If ever you or your known go through orthopaedic surgery to repair damaged tissues or joints of your body take care of your diet. No matter what joint of the body is going through the surgery, an internal procedure for healing from orthopaedic surgery is same. The mortify tissues like muscles, skin, tendons and cartilage do not just unusually heal; the body has to repair tissues on the cellular matching and rebuild the weakness of that part. For the recovery process, more energy and nutritional building blocks are needed.
In medical term, there are three phases of recovery; the first phase is inflammatory phase up to 5 days, the second is proliferative phase this phase up to 2 days to 3 weeks, third is remodelling phase this phase up to 3 weeks to years.
Now you have a partial view of how the body is going about the magical procedure of healing and repairing. To speed the recovery process, it is more important to eat healthy foods. A healthy diet is essential and cannot only regain the body strength but also help to boost the immune system.
Here are some healthy food ideas which are good for the patient after the orthopaedic surgery:
- Low residue diet: After the orthopaedic surgery, it is good to have a low residue diet that subsists of low fiber food such as vegetables, eggs, fruits to assistance in easy digestion which will help slow down the belly movement.
- Protein-rich diet: A protein-rich diet is needed to help the body repair and build organs and muscle, especially important after orthopaedic surgery. An insufficiency of protein may be the cause of muscle wasting and fatigue. Patients are suggested to consume between two to three servings of beef, chicken, cheese and fish during the initial phase of recovery.
- Iron: Our body needs a regular supply of iron in the origination of haemoglobin that allows RBC to carry oxygen throughout our body. A constant flow of oxygen in the body is able to promote recovery. Clams, dried apricots, oysters and sesame seeds are the best source of iron.
- Vitamin A: Vitamin a is helpful in the recovery process. It helps in new skin and tissue generation. Liver, cheese and fish oil are excellent sources of vitamin A. Vitamin A also helps to increase the body resistance to infection.
- Vitamin C: Vitamin C is also a good antioxidant that supports our immune system. Vitamin C can be found in oranges, cabbage potatoes etc.