Then it can be signs of Heat- illness or Heat-stroke. In this exhausting heat you we have to take care of ourselves and our families, so here it is that how you can prevent it, diagnose it and cure it.

# Heat-illness - # heatstroke -  features and measures.
Our bodies have system to maintains the body temperature against changes in environmental temperature. Internal changes by the hypothalamus in the brain and skin temperature sensor maintains temperature within the body.

In this severe heat and high temperatures there are a lot of possibilities to take up heat-illness. Heat-illness or Heat stroke can vary in intensity of from simple fatigue-weakness and lethargy to serious emergency and sometimes even unnatural death.
@ Symptoms 

* Throbbing headache.
* Dizzy, listlessness and excessive sluggishness
* Heat cramps - muscle pain. 
* Heat exhaustion - due to reduction of body water and sodium. Weakness, dizziness and fatigue - Dehydration
* Dark urine, decreased urine output and profuse sweating. Dryness mouth feel and a constant intense thirst even after      drinking water - Dehydration
* Heat syncope - severe weakness , vertigo and dizziness, fainting or unconsciousness.
* Heat stroke - The internal system gradually fails if heat exposure is still continued. Is an emergency. Dried Hot skin with no or very less sweat, Uncontrolled sever fever (105 F), affects brain - brain fever causing anger , convulsion &/or unconsciousness and at last affecting vital organs like Liver, kidney and even death in the affected can reach.

@ Measures to avoid (prevention)
* Avoid going in the sun as much as possible.
* wear light weight, light colored  clothings , avoid too tight clothes.
* Use hat, black sun-glasses, and clothes to cover parts of the body as much as possible.
* Intake Water, lemon juice, other juices, ORS, etc.  maximum .Take drinks such as lemon juice or ORS instead of only  plain water to maintain salt concentration in body.
* Do not eat fried and spicy or things which increases thirst.
* Take jaggery, onion, buttermilk like things which helps reducing inside body heat.
* Consult doctor if symptoms are severe or are increasing.

@ Risk factors

* Children under 5 years
* Aged of 60 years and above
* Excessive fatty and obese people, as well as excessive lean people.
* Pre-existing other illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart or kidney disease etc ..
* Who are taking stronger drugs such as for  Hypertension, Diabetes, Depression, Insomnia, Thyroid, strong Painkillers, etc..

@ Treatment
* GO away from sun as soon as possible,, 
* Sit in Fan or AC.
* Put cold ice packs on body especially in the armpit and hollow of the thigh to get instant relief.
* After returning from sun, first wash your face and extremities with cold water, sit in fan then drink some fluid like lemon juice or water.
* Keep good ventilation and avoid density to have free air movements.

* If needed contact the doctor.

@ Homeopathic treatment
* Homeopathic medicines are prescribed after studying risk factors as well as changes in total occurred in body(constitutional effects).
* So after medicine weakness and, lethargy and fatigue will go immediately and patient will feel energetic and fresh.
* Fever, infection or any other effect such as the interior of the brain or kidneys can be avoided, as well as those who have been already occurred will be cured without any residual or adverse effects.
* Also the irritation and anger will be cured.
* Medicine are easy to take and are without any side effects , so can be given to anybody with ease and comfort.