There is a lot of false information around on how to lose belly fat and there are some specific things you can do that will help you lose it. When you know how to lose the fat around your stomach, the process become much easier for you. Believe it or not, there are some things you can do to reduce the fat in this one specific area of your body.The best way to lose belly fat may be different for different people. You'll need to look at your personal lifestyle and determine what it is that's causing your waistline to be larger than you want. Even if belly fat runs in your family,you can make healthy decisions that will over ride it.


It does not matter if you're following the best diet, and exercising intensely, If you aren't getting enough sleep, you're depriving your body the recuperation time that it needs in order to stay fit and healthy. Loss of sleep actually suppresses production of the leptin(which is a hunger controlling hormone),enhances or promotes production of ghrelin,and also increase your food intake. In addition,leptin helps increase your energy. Getting enough sleep will greatly add to your efforts .If you don't have proper sleep patterns, you'll also have problems with belly fat. When you lack sleep, the hormone cortisol becomes out of balance. This hormone will actually cause fat to go straight to the belly area. That means you'll have more fat being stored around your middle regardless of your diet.In addition to sleepless nights, high stress can affect your cortisol levels in a bad way. So if you're looking for how to lose belly fat, making sure you reduce stress as much as possible will help. If you can't remove the source of your stress, exercises like yoga and meditation can help you to normalize cortisol levels.Understanding how to lose belly fat can help you to be achieve your weight loss goals. While some amount of fat can be caused by genetics, making sure you get rest and reduce your stress levels are easy ways that can really help reduce your waistline.


Cut down on saturated fat and sugar.The body needs some fat to provide the essential fatty acids and help in the absorption of the fat soluble vitamins, however too much fat often leads to weight gain. So, to ensure that you're on proper dieting, just replace saturated fats with the unsaturated fats found in oily fish, vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, and avocados. Saturated fats in butter, pastries,lard, pies, cream, and cheese can increase your blood cholesterol levels.Limit your added sugar intake because having too much sugar, especially between meals increases the risk of tooth decay and can add extra calories. Try having fruit if you get a sweet craving. Carbs base your meals on starchy carbohydrates .The starchy carbohydrates you consume should make up over half of all the food you eat. If you can't meet that, then try to include at least one starchy food with each main meal. Foods that contain carbohydrates include potatoes, bread,cereals, rice, and pasta. It is important to choose wholegrain varieties because they contain more fiber and therefore they can help you feel full for longer. Some people think starchy foods are fattening, but the fact is that the carbohydrates contain fewer than half the calories of fat.It is an imperative idea to be careful on the amount of fats you add to these foods when cooking or serving them because that's what increases the calorie content. For example, the creamy sauces on pasta, butter on bread, and oil on chips.Make sure that you eat different types of foods and don't eliminate any from your diet. By removing the things you love from your pantry, you may find cravings hit you harder and more often. Consequently, it will be more difficult to stick to your diet. You'll end up eating too much of it in the long run.

• Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and fewer processed and packaged foods which contain high levels of fat and sugar.

•Take regular exercise combining both cardio and strength workouts. You will tend to exercise a little less as you grow older, but muscle that is not taken care of will turn to fat. That's why it's important not to stop your exercise regime completely.

•Try to accept that there will be some changes in your body at this time. If your weight is within the normal range, do not worry if your weight increases a little. This is redistribution of weight, not gain. If you are over weight, avoid crash diets and find a healthy eating plan that will serve you well for the rest of your life.

•Cutting half the carbs and reducing the calories of your sandwich is simple with one little modification: halve the bread.

•Make everything a salad: It doesn't matter if it's pizza, pasta, or curry — a handful of leafy greens always makes a dish healthier and more delicious.

•Bring out broth: Forget the oil, and use vegetable broth instead with the technique known as a wet sauté. Use twice as much vegetable broth as you would have oil.

•Spice it up: Boost your metabolism and help your body burn more fat with spice! Ginger, cinnamon, cayenne, and turmeric are all easy additions that bring tasty flavor and fat-burning power to recipes.

•Make your own salad dressing: Skipping the store-bought stuff can do wonders for your meal. Check out these healthy homemade salad dressings for the flavor and texture you're craving.

•Cut (back) on cheese: Don't overdo it with dairy in the evening. Cutting back on cheese and milk will help you have a lighter dinner — and easier digestion.

•Bulk up your favorite recipes with double the veggie power. For example, when a recipe calls for 1/4 cup of chopped peppers, add 1/2 cup instead.

•Skip the white crackers, toast, and refined grains, and add whole grains to the mix instead. You'll feel just as satisfied with more nutritional value.

•Don't eyeball everything! You may not realize just how many tablespoons you're using if you don't use measure out things with care.

•Instead of laying on condiments like ketchup, mayo, or ranch, focus on fresh ingredients and flavors instead. And remember, a little goes a long way.

•Don't think about grabbing a can of soda or juice full of empty calories. Hydrate with a big glass of water before your meal, and sip as you eat.

•Set aside leftovers: If you tend to double up on your serving size, set aside leftovers before you even dish out dinner for yourself. This way you'll have a healthy lunch ready for work tomorrow

•Alcohol is a very high calorie beverage,moreover, alcohol intake might hamper your weight loss process in many years. By moderating your alcohol consumption you will greatly enhance you efforts.•