An experience with healing severe endometriosis In November 2012, I came across a 23 years old newly married woman with presentation of post contact bleeding, pain in urinating and during motions with excruciating lower abdominal pain during menstruation. Her periods were heavy and irregular since early menarche. A diagnosis of endometriosis was made on basis of clinical findings and co-relating with colour ultrasound during menstrual phase. On seeking medical consultation at various points a need for laparoscopy and laser ablation was explained with guarded prognosis. Need to produce artificial menopause using GNRH analogues for 6 cycles and subsequently in future a bad fertility prognosis explained. After my observation of the case, I analysed her lifestyle, did a hormonal evaluation and post co-relating her disease to the disbalances made a genuine correction of the same. In a span of 6 months patient was symptom free. After 1 year and 8 months ultrasound revealed >90% regression of the disease leasions ( endometriotic cysts ). After discontinuation of the hormones post 1 year, spontaneous ovulation and natural conception happened.