You all know that tobacco causes cancer - cancers in almost all the organs of our body.But what else? can it affect your sexual and reproductive life?In females - it causes problems in menstruation, irregular periods and abnormal amount of bleeding. In addition, it causes difficulty in having baby - by interfering with normal hormone release. Even if pregnancy occurs, the ending may not be a happy one. It is responsible for repeated pregnancy loss (repeated miscarriages), ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus - that cannot survive, on the other hand it can endanger the mother's life). It also causes abnormal bleeding in pregnancy by early separation of placenta (the flower) and thus endangering life of both mother and baby. It is also responsible for inadequate growth of baby inside the uterus. This can result in early delivery (premature baby), low birth weight, permanent damage to baby's brain (mental retardation) and other organs, even death of the baby before or soon after birth. Tobacco also causes early rupture of membranes during pregnancy ("breaking of water") causing preterm delivery and infection. 

As a result of hormonal deficiency caused by tobacco, there may be infertility and other hormonal problems like sexual dysfunction (dryness especially), discomfort in passing urine and bone pain (all due to hormone deficiency). In older women it can cause prolapse (coming down of uterus outside).In males- tobacco is responsible for low sperm count, low motility and abnormalities in sperms. The result is male infertility.It can also cause hormonal problems in males leading to sexual dysfunction and bone loss.It is responsible for erectile dysfunction and also premature ejaculation. So, the decision is yours whether to choose tobacco or to choose life.