7500 years ago humans in Central Europe started the milk drinking habit which is followed religiously till date.The practice was started since there was not enough sunlight to produce Vitamin D unlike the other parts of the world where people could produce vitamin D with sunshine. So why do we drink milk yet? Does today's milk really have the nutrition value it has claimed to have? How good is today's milk?

Milk as a matter of fact contains 49% fat and the low fat milk though doesn't have the fat is even worse. A scientific study shows the detrimental effects of milk. Milk supposedly contains about 300 mg of calcium in a cup. And the even more surprising fact is that the calcium in cows milk is barely absorbed by our body.It does more harm than good. Like most animal proteins milk acidifies our body. Calcium being an excellent neutralizing agent is required to maintain the Ph balance. The largest source of calcium in our body is the bones and hence calcium from the bones are utilized to neutralize acidity.

Countries with the highest statistics for osteoporosis are the countries that consume the maximum amount of milk.Now a days to increase the milk yield, cows are given the bovine growth hormone. This is one major cause for increasing IGF-1 which is a leading cause for breast cancer. In human experiments, dairy protein has been shown to promote increased cholesterol levels (in the human studies and animal studies) and atherosclerosis (in the animal studies). The primary milk protein (casein) promotes cancer initiated by a carcinogen in experimental animal studies.

No one can dispute that cow’s milk is an excellent food source for calves. This incredible food is essential to baby calves in their first few months of life, but once weaned they will never drink milk again, and that’s the same for every mammalian species on the planet. Which is why it makes no sense for us humans to be drinking it.

Due to all the hormones, antibiotics and other generally scary things that gets into milk products, avoiding milk seems like a wise health choice.