There can be numerous situation we can face in every day life when it is not possible to get the dentist available immediately.
we have heard about first aid in other injuries but first aid for dental consequences are not much known among the general population.Today i am trying to give you some tips how to handle such situation where your dentist is not readily available and you have to wait for some time before you actually get his appointment.
We will start from most common.
Pain In Midnight:Dental pain most of the time gets worse in nights, So if you are well known about the fact that you have got and existing problem and pain has been there throughout the day always take medication before going to bed as advised by your doctor.Always remember don't apply any heat pack unless advised by your dentist in case of dental pain.You can instead try for ice packs to relieve the pain and discomfort.You can keep the basic painkillers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen but should only be taken as directed by your doctor.
Accidental Fall/Knocked Out Of A Tooth : In case of domestic injuries to the tooth and tooth comes out do not panic, take the sterile cotton and chew on at the site to stop bleeding and keep the tooth soaked in milk in a small container till you visit to your dentist.There are chances in many cases where your natural tooth can be replanted again at the original site.
Dental Wax:Dental wax can help you for discomfort and cheek irritation occurring due to wearing braces and chipped off teeth.
Sterile Gauze:It is easily available in any medical shop and it can be use to cover any wound inside the mouth to prevent the wound from contamination as well as it helps to stop the bleeding.
I hope these tips helps you !