Gallstone disease is common and the worldwide standard treatment is Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal). Although, the gall bladder is an important structure but it is not vital and the body can still function well in its absence
Myth: Fatty food has to be avoided for life long
Fact: Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder and function of bile is fat digestion so while eating a meal high in fat content bile stored in the gallbladder is released but after the gallbladder is removed bile is still produced by the liver but is released in a continuous slow trickle into the intestine. Thus there may not be an adequate amount of bile in the intestine for the normal absorption process initially and patient may develop diarrhea and bloating . The body needs time to streamline the digestion process in the absence of the gall bladder. Thus, we need to consume low-fat diet for few weeks after the surgery till our body gets used to the new situation of gall bladder absence
Myth: Gall bladder removal only removes gallstones
Fact: Stones formation in the gallbladder reflect a poor and abnormal function of the gall . So, there is no way of keeping the gall bladder because it is inflamed and function improperly and its removal will avoid subsequent stones formation and complications
Myth: Scarring at the surgical site
Fact: Nowadays surgery is done laparoscopically which requires only 3-4 small cuts in the abdomen and the gall bladder is removed through these small hole so scarring will be almost nil. Patients typically have less post-operative pain and experience a faster recovery period than open surgery.