ChooseThyme seeds/ carom seeds (Ajwain) for digestion, pain relief as Authentic Herb

Thyme seeds / carom is a important in Indian Mukhshudhi i.e. to chew after food lunch/ dinner, apart from being used in cooking,its loaded with  healthier benefits unbeatable.....

Bloating,Acidity, worms in Gut, Constipation,Piles: 

Powdered mixture of Thyme seeds/ carom seeds, cumin seeds,and sunth/ dry ginger powder with Hing relieves of acid reflux and acidity when added with Buttermilk, pomegranate juice

  Relieves Nasal / Throat congestion, Boosting Lung Health in Asthma : Decoction of Thyme seeds/ carom seeds helps in expelling mucus from the nose / Throat and eases the condition patients.When consumed with jaggery.

 Renalcolic pain, increases urine output: 

Decoction of Thyme seeds/ carom seeds helps in subsiding renal pains with cardamom that may be due to small tiny renal stones in kidneys / ureters.


 Sooths toothache,  Benefits in arthritis :

  Thyme seeds/ carom with equal amount of cloves chew / Floss your teeth and gums with this mixture to cure mouth odour, tooth ache or decaying.


 Treats skin ailments: Paste of Thyme seeds/ carom seeds to apply over skin render relief to Itching,Hives and eczema lesions of patients.


Regulates pain during menses:


Soak Thyme seeds/ carom seeds over night and grind finely Drink this to regulate scanty or cloty flow during menses and relives back and stomach ache