The body does take its time to heal and adapt to the new joint. Pain and bruising are common symptoms that develop during this adaptation process. “The bruising after knee replacement is not centred on a single area. Bruising may happen near the thigh, shin, toes and obviously knee. The bruising may also evolve and change colour as healing progresses”, says Dr Chirag Patel, the best doctor for knee replacement in Mumbai.

Though bruising is a common part of the recovery process after knee replacement surgery, it can be a cause of concern especially when accompanied by pain, scarring and redness. So what exactly must a patient expect after knee replacement surgery? How long does bruising last after knee replacement surgery? And how to manage to bruise after knee replacement surgery?

With the inputs from renowned knee replacement surgeon in Mumbai, Dr Chirag Patel, we have answered the above questions in this blog today. Read on to know What To Expect After Knee Replacement Surgery?

Any healing process after surgery involves swelling, redness, and minor scarring to the body. Major surgery like knee replacement is no exception. All the below symptoms are common after knee replacement surgery.


 Bruising is by far the most common post-operative symptom after knee replacement surgery. Bruising in most cases is purple in colour as it indicated the blood pooling in the area (Again, remember it is quite common). It commonly occurs in the calf, thigh, ankle, and foot – because these are the areas where the blood pools in the lower body.

Pain & Stiffness

 Another common symptom after any surgery is pain stiffness. The new joint will need some time to adapt so stiffness is normal. Pain will go away after gradual use. Healing and regular physical activity will improve the range of motion and resolve the stiffness.

Swelling & Clicking sound

 Swelling is the primary responsibility of our body for any major invasive action and knee replacement surgery is no exception. Similarly, clicking is another common symptom associated with knee replacement surgery. As the artificial joint gets used to the mechanics of the body it produces an artificial clicking sound which is nothing to be worried about.

How Long Does Bruising Last After Knee Replacement Surgery?

It normally takes 2-3 weeks for the bruising to heal. The bruising after knee replacement surgery begins to heal in the 2nd week of the surgery.

When To Consult An Orthopaedic Surgeon After Knee Replacement Surgery?

While bruising is normal, it slowly heals away. One must always take note if the discolouration doesn’t subside. Similarly, other warning signs include swelling that becomes red and expands below the knee, a clicking sensation with sharp pain. This is when you need help from an orthopaedic surgeon.And How To Manage To Bruise After Knee Replacement Surgery? Ice is your friend when it comes to healing the bruises post-knee replacement surgery. But remember to not apply the ice directly on the skin. Instead one can use ice packs and frozen peas to use cold therapy on the bruising.

To know more about knee replacements, it indications, benefits and side effects visit To schedule your appointment with Dr Chirag  Patel, please call +91 75748 87777.