Blemishes are very common condition mostly present in females but nowadays it is affecting males also. The medical term for blemishes is MELASMA. This disorder is very common and producing a huge adverse impact on quality of life of a patient. This problem is more in Asian skin like India. Our skin type is more prone for pigmentation following injury or pimples. The same thing is happening in Melasma too as sun plays an important factor. Indian skin tend to tan in excess of sun exposure following which skin becomes more susceptible to Melasma. The worse thing is the application of self medication on skin which mostly contains steroids causes initial improvement followed by permanent damage to skin. 

                                                                        Prevention is better than cure, always apply medicated sunscreen on face and neck area. Multiple types of sunscreen are available in market, for that always consult Dermatologist (IADVL Certified) for the type of sunscreen to be used. If Melasma spots are there then from the home remedies one can apply Turmeric on face along with curd or milk. Turmeric contains Curcumin which has depigmenting properties. 

                                                                        Various other effective medicines are available in market, so always consult your local dermatologist before starting any treatment. There are few procedures available in the form of Peels, Mesotherapy and Lasres according to the patient response. So the take home message is always apply sunscreen and consult Certified Dermatologist before starting any treatment.