Many offices are opening up and physical workplaces are bustling with life again. 

However, a move back to the office, while exciting, can also feel scary. Moving out of the house can feel like a threat to your physical safety, and the stress of navigating public life can seem challenging for your mental health. 

But going back to the office is one of the many steps you will need to take towards the post-COVID normal. 

Here are a few tips that can make this transition smoother and easier for you. 

Tips to Return to The Office

1. Give yourself time to feel mentally ready. It is natural to feel overwhelmed by this sudden change in your life. Do not expect to be ready for it overnight.

Accept that you may feel stress or anxiety at the prospect of getting back to the office. Take your time to be mentally prepared for this transition, and speak to a mental health professional, if needed. 

2. Build an office routine and practice it. You will have a very different daily routine when you get back to the office, which may include waking up early, commuting, and carrying food with you. 

Start making small changes to your present routine, as you will take time to adapt to it. Practice a “dry run” (for a week or so) of your office schedule before you actually start. 

3. Take care of your immunity and health. Being amongst people and using public spaces and amenities means that you need to take extra care of your health. 

Follow a healthy diet including fresh fruits and vegetables, and avoid eating food from outside. 

Carry immunity-building foods such as citrus fruits, nuts, and yoghurt for snacking. 

4. Take additional precautionary measures if needed. Not everyone will be on the same page about how much caution is enough when it comes to COVID-19. 

If taking additional precautions such as sanitising your work desk, bringing your water bottle, and not attending large meetings in person make you feel safer and more in control, you can take these steps. 

5. Do not hesitate to approach your manager. Your employer would want to make this transition as easy for you as they can. Convey any specific concerns and suggestions you may have, to your manager.

You could discuss the flexibility of your work schedule, limits on social interactions and travel, and provide suggestions such as a 10-minute daily break for everyone to go out of the office and get some sunlight (for immunity!). 

Lastly and most importantly, ensure that you have taken both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Mask up, and maintain a safe physical distance from others in the office. 


1. Cleveland Clinic. 2021. How to Return To Work After the Pandemic. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 November 2021].

2. Adler, S., 2021. 5 Tips to Prepare You for a Return to the Office. [online] AARP. Available at: <> [Accessed 16 November 2021].

Disclaimer: This article is written by Practo for informational and educational purposes only. The content presented on this page should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise. Please "DO NOT SELF-MEDICATE" and seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns. Practo will not be responsible for any act or omission arising from the interpretation of the content present on this page.