Stand up. Stretch your muscles, they’ll thank you for it.
When was the last time you had a heavy lunch, headed back to work, sat and worked at a stretch for 2 hours? Probably not too long ago. Studies have proven that people who sit for four hours or longer at a stretch are at a higher risk for chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.
Modern lifestyle and technology have helped us get ahead but not at their own cost. There are many studies that categorically prove the ill effects of sedentary lifestyle combined with crazy work hours. This means that finishing that urgent presentation without listening to your body could spell disaster for your heart. One of the greatest causes for heart attacks- sitting for long hours either at work on in front of the television, could be the worst thing you’re doing to your body.
But it’s not all bad. There’s still hope for us folks that are stuck to comfy chairs all day. Bringing small changes in your daily life can go a long way. Small breaks taken in between work to just walk up to the coffee machine or climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator are seemingly inconsequential things that can actually make a difference.
While hitting the gym everyday might not be possible, squeezing in just 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week could be your ticket to a longer, happier life. Pick an activity you enjoy- cycling, walking or even skipping. Anything’s good as long as it gets you off your couch!
So go on, take the stairs on your way back from work. Skip that late night movie and wake up for a morning stroll instead. Your heart will thank you for it!