Emblica officinalis (Amla) is an Ayurvedic herb and is considered as one of the most precious gifts of nature to mankind. It is an important ingredient of some of the famous ayurvedic formulations mainly Chyawanprash, Trifala powder and Amlaki rasayan. It is widely used in Ayurveda and is believed to increase defense against various diseases. It has been traditionally used for a number of purposes including enhancing general ability, improving digestion, wellness of eyes and overall longevity of life.

Medicinal Properties of Amla 

Amla, either as a single herb or in combination with other herbs has been successfully used to treat many health ailments including Digestive Problems, Acidity, Baldness, Common cough and cold, Constipation, Chronic Headache, Dark Circles of Eyes, Dryness in the Body, Diabetes, Dysentery, Premature Ejaculation, General Debility, Gout, Hoarse Voice, Hair-Loss, High Blood Pressure, Indigestion, Itching on the Body, Impure Blood, Eruptions, Jaundice, Loose Motions, Menstrual Disturbance, Migraine, Nose Bleeding, Obesity, Pimples, Piles, Poisonous Insect-bite, Rashes, Skin Diseases etc. The list is exhaustive but following are some main uses of Amla - 

Amla : Whole body Rejuvenator

It acts as Rasayana. Rasayana is defined as any herb, food, or activity which gives youthfulness and cures diseases. If taken in a proper way, Rasayana prevents early ageing and keeps the person young and active, both physically and mentally. It promotes strength and immunity against diseases. 

Amla : Nutritional Powerhouse

It contains almost all the nutritional elements and used to boost immunity and body's vitality. It is considered to be the richest source of Vitamin C. Due to its high content of vitamin C and polyphenols, amla is a potent antioxidant. 

Amla - Natural Refreshner

Vitamin C present in amla is one of the main factors that can help to retrieve  or  refill  the  energy  lost  by  body.  So, the  replenishment  of new energy causing by amla is considered as a natural refreshner. 

Amla - Fights with Acidity

The irregular food habits and abnormal intake of sweet, sour, spicy and oily food may cause acidity, and also tea, coffee and smoking are causing that  trouble.  The  physiological  factors  are  anger,  grief  and  depression. This  problem  is  overcome  by  taken  of  one  gram  of  amla  powder  and small amount of sugar mixed with milk or water twice a day. 

Amla - Controls Diabetes

Due to its high vitamin C content, Indian gooseberry proves to be very effective in controlling diabetes. The juice obtained from its fruit, when consumed regularly, stimulates the pancreas and capacitates them to secrete insulin. This reduces the sugar level in blood. 

Amla - Best Friend for Heart

Amla decreases bad cholesterol level in blood and keeps the heart and all vessels healthy.  It nurtures the heart, blood and circulation. It supports the cardiovascular system. 

Amla - Kills Cancer Cells

Amla contains gallic acid, ellagic acid, pyrogallol, some norsesquiterpenoids, corilagin, geraniin, elaeocarpusin, and prodelphinidins B1 and B2. All these chemicals helps in prventing cancer and inhibiting existing cancer cells. 

Amla - Helps in Urinary trouble

The fresh juice of amla acts as a diuretic which normalize acidic urine. It is helpful in burning urinary infection. It has a natural diuretic action, but does not force water from the body like diuretic tablets. In other words, it helps in elimination of wastes from the body but does not overstimulate or overstarin the urinary system. 

Amla - Improves Anemia

It helps in absorption of iron in the body and improves hemoglobin level. 

Amla - The Best Dermatologist

Amla helps in maintaining healthy skin because Amla strengthens digestive power, helps the liver detoxify and is rich in Vitamin C and minerals, it is very good for the complexion. Amla moisturizes the skin, cleanses the tissues of toxins and supports immunity of the skin against bacterial infection. It makes the skin glow and look beautiful and healthy. It enriches hair growth and pigmentation. The oil prepared by using this herb is excellent for hair health and prevents graying. 

Amla - Keeps the Eyes Healthy

It is excellent in preserving eyesight. It is also beneficial in treating conjunctivitis and glaucoma, by reducing intraocular tension. 

Amla - Treats Leucorrhoea

The  major  problem  of  females  is  the  discharge  of  white  mucous material, often  an  indication  of  infection. This  problem is overcome by taken of  3  gms of  powdered  amla  with  6  gms  of  honey  everyday for one month can cure this problem. 

Amla - Imroves Body Weight

It  assists  in  balancing  nitrogen  levels  and  increasing  protein  levels very  well,  which  helps  in  increasing  your  weight.  Amla  contains minerals   including  chromium,   zinc,   and  copper,   which   helps   in maintaining  proper  functioning  of  the  metabolic  activities  of  the body. 

Amla - Maintains Overall Equilibrium

According to Ayurveda, amla balances all three doshas. It serves to tone all the vital organs of the body and builds health by eradicating the harmful disease-causing elements from the body.