Its such a joy to enter and experience Motherhood.  I am sure every woman enjoys this transition from a girl to becoming a Mother.  Though the thought of a baby is euphoric, it is not easy task.  The Mother has a lot to be careful about and learn about to enjoy being with the newborn,  and attending to his needs.  

The most immediate concern post delivery is feeding the baby.  The neonate has to be feed every 2 hrs and so will his nappy changes be too.  Breast feeding is a tough task for a mother as she is so week herself to spend so much time and attention to breastfeeding.  However, it is the best way to bond with your child and if breastfeeding is done in right manner the Mother will be able to do it with ease.

Following as practical advises to cherish effective breastfeeding:

  1. Never feed the baby in lying position.  Especially post cesarean section, the mother finds it difficult to sit and feed due to the fear of stiches getting torn.  In such cases the mother can elevate the bed to a position at 45degrees and then hold the baby resting on your hand and feed.  Latter on always sit on chair with erect posture and feed.
  2. Never feed the baby bending forward, but always sit erect and lift the baby upwards towards your chest.  This is done to prevent backache to mothers as this can make it difficult to sit for long hrs and feed.
  3. New born's are easily prone to stomach infection.  Therefore, it is advised to always wipe your hands, nipples, and area surrounding the nipples with clean water every time to take the child to feed.  This is done to prevent the child from any infection.
  4. Once you have lactated the child always make it habit to immediately hold the child straight on your chest and pat the back to ensure the child has burped or else the child may vomit the milk it has taken.
  5. whenever you feed the child use one finger to push the breast away from the nose of child while its taking its feed to prevent breathing difficulty.