Winter is here with crisp mornings, cozy afternoons, chilly nights, and chattering sensitive teeth! The drop in temperature can cause the teeth to be very sensitive. Here are a few precautions which will help reduce teeth sensitivity and other dental problems that winter brings along with it.

1. A winter visit to your dentist 

If you are already experiencing mild sensitivity in your teeth, don’t wait for it to increase and get worse during the winters. The reasons for sensitivity could be varied. Your dentist will diagnose the cause and will treat it accordingly.

2. Switch to a desensitizing toothpaste

If you have previously experienced sensitivity during winters, start using a desensitizing toothpaste, immediately after consulting with your dentist.

3. Don’t over brush

Vigorous brushing, especially with a hard bristles toothbrush, wears out the protective enamel and increases tooth sensitivity. It may also wear out any protective resin or fluoride varnish that the dentist might have applied to prevent teeth sensitivity.

4. Breathe in through your nose

Inhale through the nose and not your mouth. This will prevent the cold air from affecting your teeth.

5. Cushion your teeth

If you spend a lot of time outdoors in the chilly weather and experience frequent chattering or clenching of teeth, use a soft mouthguard. It will act as a protective cover and prevent your teeth from wearing out or cracking.

6. Stay hydrated

Winter air causes the lips and mouth to dry out fast. Moisturizing the lips is not enough. Drink water frequently to keep the mouth moist and flush out any decay-causing bacteria. Sipping on a warm beverage may have an additional benefit of keeping the teeth from becoming too cold.

7. Avoid or limit acidic food

Acidic food accelerates the wearing off of the tooth enamel. Hence, to prevent sensitivity, it is best to limit the intake of acidic foods like soda, processed foods, and sweetened beverages.

8. Don’t be lazy

Winters tend to make us lazy. At times, it might seem like a lot of effort to get out of your sofa to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth after a snack. But, do not compromise on your oral hygiene routine. It will save you from a lot of trouble later!

Hopefully, these precautions will keep your teeth healthy throughout winters. If severe tooth sensitivity occurs or persists for more than a couple of days, it is advisable to visit your dentist to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.