Becoming parent & spending the first 6 months with your child is a blissful feeling. But when maternity leave is towards the end, don’t let the so called "working mother guilt" get into you. Getting back to Work is said to be beneficial both to the mother (enhanced physical & mental agility & wellbeing) and also for the baby. Start this new journey of your with optimism. Give yourself and your baby some time to adjust to the changes.

Here are 7 tips which can be most helpful while joining back:

  1. Practice Drills - few weeks before you join back, start practicing the routine which you and baby are going to follow. Get a proper childcare atleast 15 days prior to joining. Wake up early and plan your day. Make a list of the necessary things in the few initial days. Call the baby’s care giver a month prior to your joining, so that all three of you are are adjusted to each other.

  2. Joining back to work - Restart at the middle of the week, close to weekend. Review with your manager on the changes which have happened. Evaluate co- working facilities, work from home options or bringing baby to work or part time job options. Make realistic goals and try to be more flexible. Do not compare yourself with others. Thinking of baby at work is natural, but do not discuss much of your at workplace. Maintain your calm and try not giving anyone a chance to doubt your credibility.

  3. Office Bag - Pack up bigger office bag. Carry healthy snacks, balanced meal and picture of your baby with you.

  4. Recovery& Rest - Take rest as much as you can. Keep a help, cook. Go off to bed early. Rest should be priority over laundry and cleaning.Take help from husband and elders at home. Adjust working hours with your spouse; try to work at different timings with few hrs of overlap.

  5. Socialize - Stay in touch with your new mommy friends. They will be of great emotional support. Try for weekends get together. It’s important to take sometime of for yourself.

  6. Look Good - Don’t try to fit into your older clothes, it will drive you crazy. Go out for shopping and get few good office wears which are comfortable.

  7. Keep plan B ready - No matter how fool proof plan you make, but at times things don’t go smoothly. Day care centre closes off and on, nanny’s take leave, babies fall sick or your work increases. So, prepare a list of alternative people who can help you; elders at home, husband, neighbors, emergency child care resources.

So keep smiling, enjoy motherhood & work in proper balance and share happiness in your family.