Our lives have gone through a significant change since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020. 

Social distancing, stay-at-home orders, quarantine, and following other precautionary measures have defined a new normal for us and thus, we have started focusing on our wellness more than ever before. 

The year 2021, for most of us, has been the year to find new ways to take care of ourselves and our communities. Having said that, amidst this need for renewal, new wellness trends are emerging.

The pandemic has been an eye-opener for us in terms of our wellness and lifestyle. While staying at home has given us a lot of time to introspect, it has also helped us inculcate few healthy and sustainable habits in our lives. 

Let’s take a look at some wellness trends that we must follow in 2021 for a healthy and better life!

Wellness Trends For The Year 2021

1. Mindful Eating. Mindful eating must be a new term for most of us. It is not about eating perfectly and not letting oneself eat what one likes. Neither is it about strict rules on how many calories one can consume or following a stringent diet plan. 

It is just about having awareness of the food and beverages that one consumes on a daily basis. Mindful eating is not a diet but a meditation-based lifestyle change. 

It is said that by practising mindful eating, we can manage emotional disorders (such as depression and anxiety) and avoid falling prey to eating disorders. This, in turn, helps us in keeping our weight management goals in check.

2. Digital Detox. Our lives have primarily become digital since the beginning of the pandemic. Be it our classes or work, our screen time has doubled as we are almost fully functioning from home. 

Besides work and studies, we also spend hours scrolling through social media and peaking into the things happening around us through the internet. However, we have the power to set boundaries on our digital consumption. 

This year, we can consider the idea of digital detox and cut down on our time spent on the internet. It can be devoting a day, a week, or even a weekend to living without our phones, or the TV. 

Going on a digital detox will help one reconnect with themselves and relax. It will give each one of us more time to spend with our loved ones! 

3. Simple Selfcare Regimes. Being at home 24/7 has shifted for budgets from beauty and spa services to at-home skincare trends. It has also helped us in following a consistent routine that is natural and healthy. 

Following simpler health care methods such as drinking enough water, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and following a set routine or agenda are the steps towards self-care. 

Practising relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation can have a big impact on our mental health. With the growing rate of uncertainty around us, being stressed is natural. Including these relaxation practices in our daily routine can help us stay sane. 

One of the most important parts of our daily routine is to self-reflect and get a clearer picture of our inner self.

4. Prioritizing Emotional Wellbeing. With blurring boundaries between work and personal life, we have become more attentive towards our mental wellbeing. We should focus more on prioritizing our emotional and mental health. We can start by setting a routine for the day. 

We should maintain proper work hours and make sure that we get enough time to unwind and spend some time with our families and loved ones. Taking up long-lost hobbies and relaxing activities is something that we should focus on. This helps in boosting our mental health and relieves stress.

5. Flexible Goal Setting. Setting realistic goals is the need of the hour! Thanks to the pandemic, our perspective towards goal setting have changed. 

It is best to stay open and flexible. Having a long list of micro-goals (whether for work or health!) to choose from and keeping alternate options can be beneficial. 

Many of us have already put this into practice when it comes to setting health goals. Instead of focusing on weight loss, many of us are concentrating on healthy eating, maintaining good health, and staying fit. 

Ultimately, micro-goals will end up being ones that we feel fully confident about achieving and will be of greater benefit in our health and wellness journey.

Stay Happy, Stay Strong & Take Care!


1. Global Wellness Institute. 2021. Six Wellness Trends for 2021 - Global Wellness Institute. [online] Available at: <https://globalwellnessinstitute.org/global-wellness-institute-blog/2020/12/01/six-wellness-trends-for-2021/> [Accessed 18 June 2021].

2. Dash, J., 2021. 5 Wellness Trends From India. [online] AARP. Available at: <https://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2021/wellness-trends.html> [Accessed 18 June 2021].

Disclaimer: This article is written by Practo for informational and educational purposes only. The content presented on this page should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise. Please "DO NOT SELF-MEDICATE" and seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns. Practo will not be responsible for any act or omission arising from the interpretation of the content present on this page.