Hair loss is one of the most common problems of today’s life. Men, women as well as children all are equally affected by hair loss. Many individuals are positive about treating or reversing hair loss, while some cannot tolerate the burden of hair loss and might go into depression. However, preventing hair loss in the early stages is easy and very much possible.

The two main causes of hair loss are stress and hormonal changes. 

1. Effect of Stress on Hair Loss

Modern men and women lead a stressful life. Whether it is having a high-rewarding career, or multi-tasking between a job and family, all are stressed at most times. 

Stress makes the good hair roots dormant or inactive leading to less hair which makes it dry and breaks easily. Additionally, regular stress events in day to day life leads to repeated adrenaline surges throughout the body. These changes lead to an abnormal hormonal state causing increased hair loss and patterned baldness.

2. Hormonal changes

We all know that men suffer hair loss in a typical pattern, while women might loss chunks of hair, but they do not go bald. Hormones acts on the receptors present on the hair and cause miniaturization of the hair follicle. In males, the frontal and mid-scalp part of the scalp is mainly affected by baldness, the reason being the occipital part of the scalp hair does not have the receptors for the hormone DHT (Dihydrotestosterone).

Preventing Hair Loss in Early Stages

To prevent hair loss in the early stages, we have to focus on our lifestyle and eating habits. Besides living a healthy life and taking sufficient nutrition, if hair loss or hair fall is still a problem, immediately consult a dermatologist or a hair transplant doctor.

You Should Consult a Doctor

Preferably a hair specialist, either a hair transplant specialist/physician or a trichologist. There are many underlying issues and diseases that cause hair loss. If you treat them as advised by your doctor it will help you prevent hair loss in the initial stages. 

  • Hormonal imbalance can be one of the underlying causes.
  • Any acute illness of duration more than 4 to 7 days like Viral fever, Typhoid, jaundice or any other febrile illness causes Telogen effluvium (a reversible condition in which hair falls out after a stressful experience). This is totally reversible with food supplements and a high protein diet.
  • After 2-3 months of childbirth, the nutritional requirement of the mother increases suddenly due to breastfeeding a baby and if intake is not good enough to fulfill the requirement then it may cause severe hair fall.
  • Chronic illness can lead to hair loss. For example, after Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy hair goes into Anagen effluvium (abnormal, rapid loss of hair); this is also reversible if proper care is taken.

Eat a Rich Diet, Filled with Vitamins and Protein

Every machine needs fuel and in the same way, the body needs nutrition for functioning too. If the nutritional intake is poor, our hair will not get the right nutrition and they become weak, thin, and fragile. In already compromised condition if further stimulus is given in the form of stress or disease, they convert into telogen and hair fall starts suddenly. If your intake of vitamins and protein is good they can sustain the initial phase of insult to some extent.

Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C are the main vitamins for hair. Vitamin D is also deficient in 95% of the population. Iron deficiency is very common in Indian females and is responsible for hair fall in most of the women along with other vitamins. Protein is the building block of the body, the same role they play for hair also. So you should take a protein-rich diet like pulses, sprouts, milk products, fish, and eggs.

Lifestyle Changes

Life modification is a must for good health and good hair. Take proper sleep, keep yourself away from mobile phones before sleeping and during meals, exercise daily. These activities increase the endorphin levels in the body which keeps you happy and healthy.

Quit Smoking

Smoking increases the carbon monoxide level in the blood which is a dangerous toxin that leads to damage to the cells of our body. Also, smoking affects blood circulation in the body as well as the scalp, so hair cannot get nutrition and premature falling starts and they become brittle and grey. 


Although hair loss is a harmless problem its psychosocial impact is so much that the mental stress caused by this is as much as any other life-threatening condition. It is better to take early steps to know the causes of hair loss and take preventive measures to control it. If treatment is taken at the right time, results also be satisfactory.