The summer season is here and the need to remain hydrated during the season is emphasised enough. But is water capable of fulfilling your nutrition requirements alone? No! It is evident that taking up enough nutrients during the summer season is difficult. So, it is recommended by nutritionists to take it up in the liquid form.
In this way, it is desirable to take in and healthy for the body. So, what all can you have? We have some great options for you:
Fresh fruit juice: Ditch packaged drinks and prefer fresh homemade fresh juice. While you can take up any fruits, seasonal ones are the most beneficial. So, you can try watermelon juice, mango juice, litchi juice, etc.
Lime Water: Lime water not only refreshes you after a hot day out but also keeps up the good company during your travels. Pack up a bottle of lime juice while you are going out and keep sipping to ensure the sun doesn’t take up all your energy.
Milk Shakes: Don’t feel like having heavy breakfast during summers? No problem, have a glass of cold milkshake to start your day with. Add some bananas, mangoes, dates, or even chiku to it. It is best if you replace the sugar with some honey to sweeten your shakes.
Jaljeera: Another drink which is a favourite among Indians and more specially Delhites is the Jaljeera water. It is not only a cool and tasty drink but does wonders to your digestive system. So, if all the food is having trouble being digested in the heat, you know what to do!
Aam Panna: The traditional aam panna made in Indian households is a great way to get rid of all the lethargy. Just prepare the pulp in advance for a week and keep mixing it up in cold water to get a quick drink ready during the week.
It is often seen that we end up having a lot of soft drink during the summer season. But contrary to the belief, carbonated drinks actually end up dehydrating your body. So, ditch packaged drinks of any kind and have fresh