Tip 1 - Regular exercise for back

As we can see today, most of our activities are sedentary which does not strengthen up our back muscles rather they weaken them. It is even more necessary to exercise regularly. But make sure to try it with the guidance of an expert. (Either a PT or Yoga therapist)

Regular exercise builds up the strength of our musculature, mobilises & lubricates our joints and improves the flexibility the most required.

Not just that even the nourishment to our musculoskeletal system improves with an improved blood circulation.

The different activities which help our spine and back to strengthen can be - yogic asanas, sun-salutations(for those who can), swimming, cycling and walking.

Tip 2 - Right nutrition

Just as exercise is required to prevent or reduce the back pain, right nutrition is equally imperative.

The most important aspects required in terms of nutrients to strengthen our musculoskeletal systems are as follows-

  • Sufficient protein which can be taken in the form of legumes, sprouts, dry fruits, nuts, eggs, fish and meat (without fat).
  • Precise amount of fluids and electrolytes by taking sufficient water through the day, tender coconut water, fresh fruit juices(seasonal).
  • Correct amount of oil is also equally required (but not in excess) for the fat content as per the RDA (recommended daily allowance).
  • Regular intake of fresh fruits and vegetables will give us the necessary vitamins and minerals to build our musculature.

Tip 3 - Right posture

As all of us know that we spend lots of time through the day sitting for most of the activities. So it is apparent  that our back takes the burden of sitting most of the time. If a right posture is maintained, it can contribute to the prevention of our back problems.

The important tips for right posture are as follows -

  • Make sure to let your spine take its natural curvature while sitting.
  • The weight of your trunk or upper torso of the body should be on our pelvic bones which are strong ones, rather than on our lumbar spine.
  • The thighs should be well rested on the seat of the chair or sofa.
  • Feet should be flat on the ground so that the calves are not in contraction all the time.
  • Avoid any jerky or sudden movement either forward,backward or twisting in odd position to prevent any spasms.
  • Make sure to not bend forward suddenly, instead bend your knees for picking up anything fallen.
  • It is also important to give a break from your posture every 30 - 45 minutes and have a stroll.