Before Sleeping:

If you have been sitting most of the evening and/ or if you tend to wake up stiff in the morning, take the time to lengthen out on your side, back, or stomach, for a few minutes before going to sleep; do a few of the lengthening and release exercises .

Avoiding Stressful Sleeping Positions:

Unsupported stomach lying, back lying, and side lying can strain low back and neck. Attempt using pillows and repositioning yourself to find the least stressful positions. Experiment to find the best pillow for the neck. There are a number of contoured or cervical pillows on the market today. Some pillows are shaped like a cylinder, while others are rectangular and offer contour and carrying densities to support the neck and head. If it feels good and you wake up feeling good, use it.  If not try different sized or shaped pillow. In general, avoid extremes. Extremely soft and/or flat pillows will allow your head to drop backward when you lie on your back or down to the bed when you are side lying. If the pillow is too firm your back, or up towards the ceiling when you are side lying. Ideally, curve of your neck; this is the “cylinder” portion of cervical pillows, and the back of the head will be supported so that it is not pushed forward or dropped backward. In side lying, the head and neck should be supported in neutral.

Choosing A Mattress: 

Once again, each individual’s preference is a little different, so listen to your body and your body and your past experience, and choose the kind of mattress that feels best to you. Keep in mind that mattresses that are too soft or too firm typically cause more strain on your neck and back. If you go the water bed route, make sure it has a heater and is the firm variety.