Currently, summers are at its peak and the sun is on the top so that the hot sun rays are ready to soak all the fluid content of our body. Now, we all are prone for dehydration, heat strokes, we all lose the fluid by excessive sweating, and it will develop electrolyte imbalances in our body. As per Ayurveda during summers Pitta dosha gets aggravated which in turn vitiates Vata and Kapha dosha. So its vitiation will affect our digestion, our metabolism, and makes us feel tired and weak and we all feel fatigue throughout the day. This aggravated Pitta is troublesome for all those who have Pittaj prakruti and those who are suffering from diseases related to Pitta dosha like – Digestive issues, Blood related health ailments, Ulcerative colitis, etc. But as Every Coin Has Two Sides, every condition is having two sides like – there is one positive thing we get in summers is our reduced body weight and detoxification of the body that occurs naturally because we all drink a lot of water and fluids. So, we can manage this condition by consuming the below given food items which are best to use during summers and they will help to bring balance in all the Tridoshas.

We all know, for this thing we should make the sufficient balance of electrolytes and fluids in our body by the help of food items. Let's go through the things which are very good to consume during summers.

1. Gourd variety veggies

Vegetables are enriched with various antioxidants, essential nutrients, etc but in summers we need to consume those which are cold in nature, fibrous and light to digest. Thus, the vegetables that come under gourd family are the best choice such as Pumpkin, Bottle gourd, Round gourd, Ridge gourd and Snake gourd.

2. Beal

The fruit bael or Bilva or wood apple or golden apple is showing its impressive benefits to bring balance in tridoshas and makes our body cool. It helps to boost the digestion, regularize the bowel movement and helps to reduce heat from our body. It can be eaten directly or can make a drink from its pulp.

3. Watermelon

Most of the time its first choice for everybody because of its taste and the one which is having a lot of water content as compared to any other fruit. The higher content of water will reduce the temperature of our body. Hence, this will help to hydrate our body completely.

4. Curd

Curd helps to boost digestion and maintains the gut flora as in summers due to heat people used  to suffer from vomiting and loose stools and thus it helps to manage it.

5. Amla

Indian gooseberries are cold in potency and are enriched with various micro as well as macro nutrients especially vitamin c which helps to keep our digestion normal, acts as a rejuvenator and maintains equilibrium in tridoshas.

6. Coconut water

A natural refreshing drink which has enormous nutrients and fills our body with the electrolytes and saves us from dehydration and various other complications. It helps to cool down us by subsiding Pitta dosha in our body. Always in summer give preference to drinking this natural energy drink.

7. Cucumber

Again a food that has lots of water content in it along with a cooling effect on our body. It is fibrous in nature so able to digest it easily during summers. It helps to maintain the skin healthy and hydrated. Moreover, mostly used as a detoxifier drink that helps eliminate toxins and heat from our body.

8. Lemon

Lemon as a lemon water is a great refreshing drink which instantly makes you feel energetic, hydrated and cool. It maintains salt and other electrolytes in normalcy. It works wonders to count down the effects of hot and sharp sun rays.

9. Mint

Everybody by hearing the word mint can feel its freshness. It helps to reduce Pitta in the body alleviates burning sensation,dryness, and heat level in our body. It can be used regularly as it will boost digestion and makes your body light by maintaining metabolism.

10. Coriander

Green leaves of coriander makes our body Cool and saves us from heat strokes. It can be added into dishes, extract the juice or can boil it and drink the decoction. It helps in cooling down the body and reduces Pitta dosha and maintains equilibrium in all the three doshas. Along with this must consume leafy vegetables.

11. Apricots

They are rich in antioxidants, Vitamins like A, C, and B12, Zinc which are helpful to sustain a normal healthy life. They also help to hydrate the body, maintain appetite, balance the minerals and electrolytes and are packed full of nutrients.

12. Blackberries

These are rich source of fibers, antioxidants, and high in Vitamins, improves gut health and are considered as a powerhouse of nutrients. It helps to keep hydrated and keeps the body secured from the summer heat.

Lastly, we should remember water is the basic thing which is required so must drink sufficient amounts of water in the summers. In summers, we should save our body from direct heat, we should indulge in minimal yoga and activities to keep ourselves healthy. But during these days we should focus on eating sufficient, drink sufficient because that only will maintain your body healthy and fit.