Married to the person I loved 2 months back. Inter caste marriage. I have been treated by his family badly in the name of dowry. I got so much worried and raised my voice on this. Now, my husband and his mother saying I'm mentally ill and exaggerating small things. They are making me to lose my control by comparing or ill-treating, and when I condemn this, easily saying that i have gone mad. Worried to tell this to my family since they warned me on this earlier. Feeling like detached from the world since no one is for me to support. I'm staying alone for work, he is completely ok with not being together since his preference is not to take my responsibility. Struggled a lot and got married with him but the reality hits me hard. Feel like dying sometimes!
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I understand the emotional state you are experiencing out of betrayal by spouse or maltreatment by in-laws. Though the situation is utmost stressful and one is bound to get distressed but by working on your coping mechanism or enhancing your coping skills will help you endure the situation more effectively and calmly. So, it's in your best interest if you consult a clinic psychologist (RCI registered) and start sessions and continue the sessions with less frequency even after you get better. Don't ever hesitate if the psychologist feels the need to refer you to a psychiatrist for pharmacotherapy.
Hi there. I'm sure it's a very. A confusing state that you are in. I believe that if you want to make a decision, involve your family members. Don't be shy. Don't think that they will abandon you. Families, family, you may hesitate they may. Tell you a few things. They may taunt you, criticize your decision, but it's OK In the end, they'll be there. it's better than living in this set up If you feel it's not going anywhere, courage. And face your fear. Take the decision. You can take my help for the same. Let's discuss it out. And don't worry, things will get better. All the best.
That is one of the drawbacks of some loved marriages when only the positives of a person is seen, and negatives which may be more intense shows it's head out after marriage. Go for family counselling you and hubby alone. Dowry is a punishable crime by law, you have to decide if you need to file a complaint and take them to task. Even after marital counselling You and Hubby not able to find a common ground, it is wise to seperate. Avoid kids for now at any cost. Good luck.
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Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
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