BHCG is 116 14 days after embryo transfe
Did my Bhcg today, and the value is 116 on 14 days after embryo transfer Did UPT, got positive lines 3 embryo were transferred Is this positive? Kindly help, thanks in advance!
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116 is a positive value. But need to see for doubling after 48hrs.
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Yes beta HCG of 116 is positive.But need to see whether the value is doubling in 24hrs.If yes then it a good value
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Yes this is positive. Its value should double every day.Repeat Bete HCG after one week.
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Congratulations,  Yes this is positive...I hope no prior hcg injection has been taken
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you can get a repeat bhcg after 48 hrs...if doubles you can be doubly sure...
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Positive but need to repeat beta hcg after 48 hours
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Repeat the beta HCG blood test after 48 hours
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Get repeat bhcg after 48 hrs , it should double
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Ya positive ,repeat after 24hrs to be sure
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Yes it is positive for pregnancy Bhcg is a confirmitory test More than 100 confirms that you are pregnant
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