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Radhakrishna Multispeciality Hospital

Radhakrishna Multispeciality Hospital

Radhakrishna Multispeciality Hospital

(21 patient stories)

Banashankari 3rd Stage, Bangalore

Multi-Speciality Hospital

50 Beds

2 Doctors

Radhakrishna Hospital is now Radhakrishna Multi Speciality HospitalSince inception, the Hospital strived hard to make a dent in all specialties of medical care aspiring for the dizzy heights of success. Now it can boast of as a Hi-Tech Super Specialty 50 Bedded Hospital excelling in Laparoscopic Surgery and other Super Specialties. Recently during January 2010, the hospital took honor in changing its name to Radhakrishna Multi Speciality Hospital. Day Care Surgery at Radhakrishna Multi Speciality Hospital - In day care surgery the patient gets admitted at the Sun-Rise and recovers after Surgery by Sun-Set being ready to get discharged. This avoids lengthy hospitalization, prevents Hospital-Acquired infection and allows the patient to be with family so that recovery is fast mind the homely atmosphere.The patient may not require taking leave from work for long as the patient can get operated during weekends. Selected patients who are eligible to undergo day care surgery are benefitted by these advantages.


3-4, Sunrise Towers, 30th Cross, JP Road, Girinagar
Landmark: Opposite Canara Bank
Banashankari 3rd Stage, Bangalore
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Mon - Sat

09:00 - 09:00

Modes of Payment


Number of Beds - 50

Number of Ambulances - 1

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MBBS, MS - General Surgery, DNB - General Surgery, MCh - Surgical Gastroenterology/G.I. Surgery

34 years experience overall

Bariatric Surgeon


General Surgeon


Laparoscopic Surgeon


GastroIntestinal Surgeon

94% (178 votes)


14 years experience overall




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