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Dr. Mahajan's Tooth 'N' Gum Care

Dr. Mahajan's Tooth 'N' Gum Care

Dr. Mahajan's Tooth 'N' Gum Care

Profile is claimed

Dentistry Clinic

(521 patient stories)
Wheelchair accessibility available

Mayur Vihar Ph-I, Delhi

#103, First Floor, Mayur Plaza, Local Shopping Complex., Landmark: Near Samachar Apartments, Delhi

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Clinic Set up in March 1996. In practice for 19 years


Mon - Fri

09:30 - 01:00
05:30 - 09:00


09:30 - 01:00
05:30 - 08:00



29 years experience overall


100% (521 votes)
Mon-Fri09:30-01:00, 05:30-09:00Sat09:30-01:00, 05:30-08:00show more

Common questions & answers

Q: Is there a pharmacy/diagnostic/imaging service at the clinic?

A: There is dental imaging service at the clinic

Q: How many patients can be seated at the waiting area at a time?

A: Approximately 7-8 patients can sit in the the waiting area

Q: What digital payment modes are accepted at clinic?

A: All credit card, debit card, paytm payments are accepted at the clinic

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