Weight loss program
Hi, I want to lose my weight I don't get much time for Exercise or yoga as i m working woman and i stay in joint family, so due to work load unable to do more exercise. So i went to a Physiotherapist near our locality he said than he can help me losing weight, 1) through machines he will help me in reducing my inches, 2) exercise, 3) diet and 4) maintenance. he guarantee that he can reduce 3-4 kg in a month. Please advise me should i join this program for a month or two. After leaving this program i should not put on weight? The machine he will use has any side effects? My height is 5.1 inches and weight is 56 kg. I have hereditary problem of weight gain from mother side. and I will be planning for a baby also from next month so please help me with your guidance.
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Ur BMI is normal for ur height and weight.. if u r going to plan for a baby then ur weight should b minimum 53 kg.. dnt worry abt weight gain.. just maintain the diets and physical exercises and start the fittness programmes.. strictly u should avoid the laziness... once u should test the blood and thyroid regarding genetics check up... Thanks.. All the best...
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Hello there...well since you said you have a heriditary problem of weight... please do your Thyroid function tests if they are normal then you can definately go for diet/exercise and active lifestyle....also i want to make it clear that there is no magic pill available to reduce weight ...everything is achieved through hardwork...plan a proper timetable, eat regular nutritious meals and do cardio exercises.... i cannot comment much on the modalities which are used to reduce fat layers as there is no standard research available for it.... but remember through proper motivation, determination ,exercise and dicplined diet you can achieve great results.... but again i would advice you to go in for Thyroid function test... if you want to discuss the case please feel free to ask regarding any queries Take care Regards
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Hi Weight gain happens either due to addition of extra calories or due to failure to spend calories consumed...these extra calories deposited in our body as fat..for weight reduction you have to consume less calories and spend more...avoid junk foods,carbohydrates like rice etc,avoid oily foods...add proteins and fibre rich foods to your diet with green tea,green leafy vegetables, regular exercise at least 2 hours a day...Ask yourself these questions about any diet plan you're considering: Does it include various foods from the major food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products, lean protein sources and nuts? Does it include foods you like and that you would enjoy eating for a lifetime — not just for several weeks or months? Can you easily find these foods in your local grocery store? Will you be able to eat your favorite foods, or better yet, all foods? Does it fit your lifestyle and budget? Does it include proper amounts of nutrients and calories to help you lose weight safely and effectively?Is regular physical activity part of the plan? If the answer to any of these questions is no, keep looking. There a re better diet plans out there for you. Consult dietitian fallow the diet chart can see the beneficial effects within a month..
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Mediant diet program
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