I have an already RCT tooth 7 but recently my cap came out after 5 years when I visited the dentist she recommended me to get an implant even though my upper jaw bone is not enough big till sinus I am extremely worried If I should go for implant or not.
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If there is problem only with cap with can refix it without changing anything. Sometimes with cap tooth also fractures and comes out leaving no tooth structure where we can fix your cap. In that case we have to remove the remaining part from the bone and we can replace it with Fixed bridge or Dental Implant. Regarding sinus don't worry it can be managed with surgery. We need to take a big xray OPG to check the status of bone and sinus and then we can decide upon treatment. Feel free to contact if you have any further queries. Take care.
Hi, same cap can be recemented, if it is not fitting properly den a new cap can be made, but these options are available only if the rc treated tooth doesn't have any problem. And as far as implant is concerned its safe with advance techniques. So no need to worry.
There are advanced techniques available to put dental implants in barely manageable bone as well. Things become complicated or non-manageable only if you smoke or have any underlying medical condition like uncontrolled diabetes etc. Your doctor will get some investigations done before going ahead with implant procedure. By and large, implants is a safe and time tested procedure.there is no need to be scared
Regarding the old crown, it can be fixed again if there are no fit issues with it.
Hope this answers your query.
U can consider consulting one other dentist to make sure that whether involved tooth can b preserved or not. Because its always recommended to preserve a natural tooth rather than removing it and placing implant. By proper examination with the help of x-rays, ur treatment plan can be decided.
The Cap can be fixed again or a new one made if the underlying tooth is in good condition. If all measures fail to restore and save this tooth, Implant can be placed. If bone is not sufficient to support an implant , There are many options to correct that.It all requires thorough treatment planning for long term success.
It's not big issue if ur cap has come out of the tooth . Either it can be recent ed again or new cap can be fixed .and coming fr implants bone is measured by cbct . If sinus is near by we cn do with advanced methods like sinus lift procedure .
if u have no pain or any problem with the concerned tooth, the same cap can be fixed unless there is no discrepancy in the cap. Otherwise a new cap can be made. As far implant is concerned , it needs thorough evaluation to come a final conclusion. Implant is suggested when ur natural tooth can't be saved.
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Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
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