Mood swings
I have some instances where I lose my temper instantly all of a sudden. Main instance is there's a person who holds an important place in But whenever I see him, I start drifting away from my real character. I get aggressive and things go out of my control even what I speak. I start to become somebody else. This happens whenever I happen to feel that person's presence in any way, be it chat or video call. I instantly feel upset and irritated out of the blues which is becoming toxic to myself. Need a help here.
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Heyy I can help you better with further treatment course needed. U can connect me via whatsapp on seven zero eight two zero two two zero six two.
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Hi Forgive the person considering his own limitations or inferiority
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Needs detailed assessment. Since the anger is directed towards a single person, there may be certain reasons behind your anger. The issue needs to be resolved
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The symptoms are suggestive of emotionally unstable personality difficulty. Therapy and low dose medicines helps in this situation.
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consult a psychiatrist for further diagnosis
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It can be either of 2 things commonly one is emotionally unstable personality disorder and the other is intermittent explosive disorder. You need to consult an astute psychiatrist either in person or online and get evaluated in detail for remedy. Good luck
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Of course, there is help but you have provided very limited information. We need to dig in a lot to understand as to why this person who hold so much importance can provoke so much anger in you and all to your personality. So let’s talk about it with me for the same. If you will have some terror sessions, it will be good to go.
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