Depressed and horny.
Hi I'm depressed and have no will to live All i want is sex and romance, but I'm single and unmarried. I'm Muslim, so i can't get a girlfriend or paid services or watch porn or masturbate. So I'm extremely horny and desperate yet trying to control myself with clenched fists and clenched teeth, and I'm afraid of failing. I'm an engineering student. Three years in and detained due to large number of backlogs. Because i couldn't study due to the reason mentioned above. So now I'm absolute free and jobless and even more depressed, desperate and horny and have nothing to busy myself with. PLEASE HELP.
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Get engaged into something productive. Empty mind is a devils workshop. Get your counselling sessions done. I am an online counselor and can help you through Practo chat. Happy to help! Don’t waste your life, seek help immediately.
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I believe you should discuss your concerns in detail with a mental health professional to gain an insight about nature of problem and ways to overcome it through psychotheraputic techniques Consult with me or any psychologist for therapy and counseling Connect with me through practo All the best Seek help for early recovery
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I can understand your pain as you are unable to do productively anything. Learn the best ways to manage stress and negativity in your life. You can consult me online. If you are experiencing obsessive and unwanted thoughts about sex, it is important to disclose the full nature of the experience, however distressing or embarrassing they may seem. It requires you to trust your mental health provider and understand that the thoughts you share will not only be held in the strictest confidence but be met with an open, non-judgmental attitude. You can find a solution to this problem keeping the moral standards of your religion.
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