Stress, psychological
I am his girlfreind. he is sad and frustated about his own life most of the time. Every single day is hectic for him. Inspite of his willingness of spending time with me he cant because of his family and business and yes he is marraied. once i broke up with him he ended up hurting himself badly. regular severe headpains. after many tests doctor recommended a psychiatrist as according to him his only problem was stress and tension. but could'nt gather courage to go to any clinics. my relationship with him is of 4and a half years and he has been marraied for one year now. we have physical intimacy till today but he have never touched her till today. his reason for marraige was just his parents ill health. what shall i do with him? and myself as it has become hard to be separated for both of us. help me out as this situiation is very uncommon to a girl of my age and i cant even shre it with anybody.
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He is having personality issues and you are stuck with him. What do you want from him?. He is already married. Do you think that he will divorce his wife ever. He is using you for physical gains. You are emotionally weak, so you can't leave him. He is having a plentiful life, but you have nowhere to go because you will always be the other girl.
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