Stomach upset
Gas problem in evening time only at 5.30 pm and after till dinner. Morning time no issue. What are remedies
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Can help you with your concern. Your concern need to be evaluated in detail with history and possible examinations. Can contact for consultation via chat
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Take tab pantop in afternoon time
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Symptoms are suggestive of Dyspepsia, Also called Gas trouble in general terms. Syp. PEPTAC or Gaviscon 20ml at 5pm Take Pantoprazole 40mg early in the morning on an empty stomach For five days.
Next Steps
Stop Smoking
Health Tips
Avoid too many onions in cooking.
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  At 5 nexproRd40 one. MUCAIN GEL 10 ml without water at 5.05. Can be repeated three times without water.
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Can help you with your concern. Your concern need to be evaluated in detail with history and possible examinations. Can contact for consultation via chat
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Take Tablet Equirest (Clidinium 5mg +chlorodiazepoxide10mg) one tablet at Night time.. And cap esomac dsr for 2 weeks.
Next Steps
take medicines for 14 days and see the result
Health Tips
avoid spicy items and sedentary lifestyle.
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Lifestyle modification. In addition you should also go for a long walk (about half an hour) before breakfast and after dinner.
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If you require assistance or have any health concerns, feel free to reach out for a consultation. Your well-being is my priority, and i'm here to support you on your health journey.
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Sadvik diet
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Consult online Need some preprobiotics enzymes Gas o fast sachet once a day Take pan d Avoid oily food fried items spicy food outside food Maintain hydration Take fresh fruits vegetables fibre diet
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Can help you, kindly consult and provide detailed history for proper diagnosis and further management
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Need more history, please connect
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Avoid fried food and spicy food Water intake more Green leafy vegetables and fruits and Fiber meal Do connect and consult
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Need few more details Kindly consult
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Avoid spicy foods. Avoid coffee and tea in empty stomach. Drink plenty of water.
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Have your meals on time More details needed please connect
Next Steps
Avoid tea in the evening
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Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.