Sex problem
I have very little time sex. I have not enjoyed my sex . Please advice something that I increase my sex time.
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Tab Megalis 10mg twice in week for one month then once week for one month.
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Dear Patient, the condition you are referring to is called as PREMATURE EJACULATION. Sometimes people do refer to it as PREMATURE EJACULATION or PE or PME or Quick Discharge or Early Discharge or Timing Issue. These all are one and the same. THE BEST PART IS : In most of the cases these both are completely Curable. And with Curable we don't mean Temporarily (Till the time you are taking medicines and or applying Gel/ Spray it's fine but reappear as soon as you leave the treatment) but Permanently. Why Choose Ayurveda For Your Sexual Problems ??? A Point Worth Nothing : Sexual Diseases were there before the word SEXOLOGIST or any degree came into existence . . . They (People/ Patients) were treated before too and YES, SCIENTIFICALLY  . . . Ayurveda is a science well proven & established over a thousands of year and period of time . . .And its a known fact to all that people in early ages of time were MORE FERTILE and REPRODUCTIVELY ACTIVE than people of today's era . . .Ayurveda has been treating all disorders since begining of human civilization .  .  . Pun intended but with all due respect 😊 Anyways, coming back to topic . . . What is PREMATURE EJACULATION or PE : Premature Ejaculation is a sexual disease where the male partner expels semen before two minutes or before the satisfaction of the partner during the sexual intercourse. Premature Ejaculation can affect the sexual satisfaction of both the partners. In other words Premature Ejaculation is the inability to control ejaculation of semen during the sexual intercourse. A disease like Premature Ejaculation can lead to stress, depression, anxiety and embarrassment. Before it was considered that Premature Ejaculation was caused only due to Psychological factors, but after the research done by doctors it has been concluded not only psychological factors but same biological factors are responsible for this disease.
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If u r unmarried n having sex occasionally with GF U have stress for proving urself That's itself sufficient to early discharge U DNT NEED ANY PILLS just remove anixty m control semen ejaculatiom
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Dear pt It is more or less depend upon your daily routin and your mind set Don't be hurried and anxious before sex Improve your confidence Dont be overexcited befor sex Do sex as your daily work without fear and stress Use only herbal and homeopathic drug if you neded Consult psychologist dr.
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