Sex problem
If a man masturbate daily is it any sex problem happens in future and is it a big health issuues for growth???
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Thank you for your question. Current knowledge and evidence suggest that masturbation is good for your sexual health. When practised correctly without any associated negative feelings it can help with learning to control ejaculation and prolong erection time. It is safe and has no associated risk of sexually transmitted infections. Men who masturbate regularly have higher self esteem, self confidence and self assurance. Many masturbatory exercises are part of the therapeutic process as they allow you to focus on sensation without worrying about satisfying a partner. It is important to relax and learn the correct technique along with pelvic floor exercises. There are no long term side effects of masturbation. if your practice is causing you distress or pain please consult a genitourinary medicine specialist (skin and DVD) who can help reassure you.
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Dr.Yogesh Here According to ayurved shukra dhatu is a ultimate strength of body. it is suggested not to mastrubate regularly. only when aroused. yes it will create problem in future. we have seen many problems arising from this habit. try to avoid mastrubutation.
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