Problem paying attention
I try hard everyday, sometimes harder than my friends but I still fail at what's considered normal. When I try to study, I lose focus so easily that I end up reading the same line over and over again and sometimes spend an hour reading the same page. When I read, I miss small words and sometimes read 'isn't' as 'is' and miss out 'not' that changes the meaning of the sentence. I am 21 and I still get confused with spellings that have more than one vowel (spelling separate as seperate or separete). I also day dream to an extent where I want to enact my dreams, and I get so lost in them that I sometimes believe that's the reality. I thought all this was normal until my friends pointed out that it isn't. I don't know if I'm just really stupid and not trying hard enough or if I have a learning disability, and I'm not sure whom to consult regarding this. Please help!
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Hi please let me know how long you have been suffering like this. If you didn't have this problem in school and this started recently you might be suffering from stress or mental disorder. You might also need baseline physical health check.
Next Steps
consult a doctor.
Health Tips
try relaxation and meditation. eat healthy diet and go for regular walking.
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There is a possibility adult ADHD. Plz seek a proper consultation with a psychiatrist. It can certainly be helped.
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Its not clear if you have a learning disability or not, but for a detailed assessment and diagnosis you should consult a psychiatrist or psychologist.
Next Steps
Consult a psychiatrist, medication and counselling can go a long way.
Health Tips
Try to do some mind exercises and meditation
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