Height increase after 21
I want to increase my height so I ordered high grow plus herbal capsules please advise me it will be effective or not as they r saying that it is 100% effective. My age was 20 either it able to gain my height or not.does it have any side effects?
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Truly I would like to say at this age height increment is not possible but you can do streching exercise daily and eat more nutrious diet.
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No side effects. Medication and excersise both needed. Homeopathy medication is safe and effective for all kind of disease and infection,no side effects. Detail case history needed for permanent cure. Chat online for consultation and treatment. Dr Merlin
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Hello Sir, Thanks for your valuable question, we understand your problem completely. Best is to increase height with complete herbal supplements to avoid any side effects. Contact us at Phone or online chat with us to get best herbal medicine. Thanks
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It's really difficult to increase the height after reaching adulth hood as the production of growth hormone slowly stops. Surgeries and growth hormone administration will promote height which potentially dangerous and detrimental to the body. However with few tips is possible to add a few more inches ; ~Proper Diet and  nutrition Balancing diet with rich in calcium, vitamin D, iodine, magnesium, protein, etc include food items like egg yolk, fish, chicken, lots of nuts, pears, diary products, fruits like apple and bananas. ~Stretching Exercises like cycling, swimming, bar hanging, rope jumping, spot high jump etc. ~Expose to sunlight Especially during early morning and evening hours. Sunlight is the good source of vitamin D which contributes to bone growth. ~Proper sleep Fact that growth hormones does it's job of thickening and lengthening our bones during deep sleep. Correct posture is also crucial for proper growth
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not possible friend
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The homeopathic medicine acts mainly on three sites:- 1. Increase Growth Hormones Production a. The growth is not only dependent on genetic but hormones equally plays important role in body`s growth. b. Your growth potential reduces especially after puberty because your pituitary gland becomes inactive. Homoeopathic medicine stimulates the pituitary gland to increased production of natural level of growth hormones, which causes growth of the cartilaginous portions of the vertebrae and the long bones. 2. Cartilages Growth Al though most of your bones can`t grow any longer after puberty, the articular cartilages that connect many bones can still grow thicker. Besides the distal potion on each vertebrae, the distal end of Femur and the proximal end of Tibia each can grow up to an inch, which gives another 2 inches extra height. 3. Spinal Column Extension The Spinal column in upper body contributes significantly to r height because it accounts for 35% of total height. One important component of the spine is inter-vertebral discs. These discs are located between each of 33 vertebrae. On average, your total discs account for one-quarter the length of your vertebral column - 4.5 to 6 inches for most people. The thicker the discs, the longer your spinal column is and the taller you become. Homeopathic medicine allows your height by expanding the discs and lengthening your spine. Recent scientific research has proven that most young adults can still grow a few inches taller even after the bones in their lower body have become ossified. This is because besides the length of the femur bone, tibia bone, and other bones in the lower body, the length of the spinal column in the upper body also significantly contributes to human height. A homeopathic constitutional treatment will give you best results naturally You can easily take an online consultation for further treatment guidance and permanent cure without any side effects Medicines will reach you via courier services
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Not possible
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U can take only safe herbal Ayurvedic medicines, Take Ashwagandhadi avaleha( Dabur)1 tsf bid with milk for 3 months
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U can consult online through Practo
Health Tips
Walnuts almonds pistachio Draksha anjeer kishmish, seasonal fruits and vegetables
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No it’s not possible now.
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It will not be effective.
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