Can You Cure hemorrhoids?
Hi, Wanted to know if severe hemorrhoids can be cured using Homeopathy medicine?? And How quickly? She has been Suffering for 5-6 years and had also taken Homeopathy medicine for 3 years during this but could not cured completely and it become worse once medicine is stopped
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Piles are effectively treated with experienced homeopaths without dietary restrictions. What is required is balanced diet with calcium rich foods to avoid contipation. Pelvic floor exercises help in keeping the sphincter closed so that lower part of stool doesn't get dried enough to cut through turgid veins while passing. There are a series of medicines used in varying potency to cure it. Effective duration of treatment is 4months.
Next Steps
You can consult with details at practo direct consult for prescription.
Health Tips
Avoid constipation.
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Hello, Homeopathy plays a vital role in addressing the root cause of the problem. Yes, hemorrhoids can be treated by using Homeopathy. Please tell if there is any bleeding or not.
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Haemorrhoids of 1st degree are effectively treated with Homoeopathy. Start with Paeonia 200 4 pills x 3 times daily x 30 days Chew pills. Take medicine as advised.
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Homeopathic medicines are very effective in management of piles and the symptoms associated with it such as pain, bleeding, itching, etc. Homeopathic medicines work at the root level and can modify these genetic tendencies thus reducing chances of relapse and recurrence of the condition significantly. The sooner the patient approaches a homeopathic physician for piles treatment, higher are the chances of a complete recovery and avoidance of surgery. Homeopathy should be the preferred and the first mode of treatment in piles owing to the use of safe, natural nature of medicines before. Along with the medicines Making some changes to one’s routine and lifestyle can go a long way in managing piles or haemorrhoids. Here are some tips to get rid of your piles or haemorrhoids- -It is important that one should take care of what one eats. The daily diet should be rich in fiber or roughage. This roughage is present in large quantity in raw fruits and vegetables. Therefore taking raw fruits and salads daily is highly recommended. -One should be cutting down on the intake of non-vegetarian food. As mentioned earlier, non-vegetarian food is difficult to digest and often contains a lot of spices which are added while cooking. -Drinking lots of water is another important thing. Water hydrates the digestive system and makes it easy for the stool to be passed. -Walking regularly or taking any form of exercise daily is also very helpful. It activates the sluggish digestive system and allows the bowels to be cleared easily without straining. -Straining while passing stool is also best avoided. -Abuse of laxatives is another important point here. The regular usage of laxatives can by itself cause piles and is often counterproductive. -Avoid sitting in one position for long. In fact, one should not sit for long at all. It is better to get up and move around after some time.
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