Advanced clinic management system

Get the most comprehensive clinic management system

Use customizable features to have complete control of your clinic. Hassle-free management of billing, lab management, insurance, reporting and many more features tailored to your needs!
Advanced clinic management system
Create better strategies

Optimize Operations

Ensure 0% revenue leakage and stock pilferage

20% efficiency gain in billing and insurance

100% paperless operations

Create better strategies

Earn Patient Love

Retain your patients through constant communication

Wow your patients with differentiated experience

Maximize productivity
Create better strategies

Make better decisions

3000+reports possible

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Create your own report under two minutes

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Our Process

Out Patient

- Doctor Scheduling (Week-wiseview or multiple doctors in one page)

- SMS reminder alerts to patients on appointments.Pre-registration of bulk corporate patients or insurance patients

- Registration

- Token number generation across individual Consultants

- Display outside doctor's chamber regarding patients in waiting.

- Printing of smart cards, bar codes, plastic cards with patient photos, Interface to Digital Signature Devices and Queue Management System

- Automatic requisitions for MRD case file and tracking of case files

- Outpatient packages handling and working out package margins

- Billing and Collection (Patient category based rate plans, multiple rate plans for corporate, insurance and government schemes, deposit collection, discounts based on authorization of various people, day book reports)

- Conversion of cash bills to credit bills, bills reopening by authorised people

- Patient payments collection using different payment modes (including bank transfers, coupons, foreign exchange, etc.)

- Entry of triage information by nurses

- Doctor Consultation (Doctor examination notes, ICD Coding, Prescription of Drugs, Investigations and Services)

- Follow up visit scheduling

- Uploading generic documents and external Investigation reports into patient EMR

- Review of old clinical history and trend reports of vitals and test values using EMR View

- Conversion of doctor prescriptions to orders

- Automatic issue of medicines in pharmacy based on doctor prescription

- Calculation of consulting doctor payments based on rules

- Reports for accreditation bodies like JCI, NABH, on the patient waiting times

- Out Patient Reports (Doctor Consultation, Scheduled Appointments, Patient Waiting Time, OP Statistic Reports)

- Audit log

Radiology Lab Services

- Scheduling or appointment booking for Services

- Registration from Scheduling

- Direct Registration for Lab and Radiology Services

- Ordering investigations and/or converting investigation prescriptions as order

- Billing and Collection (patient category based rate plans, multiple rate plans for corporate, insurance and government schemes, deposit collection, discounts based on authorization of various people)

- Patient Payments collection using different payment modes (including bank transfers, coupons, Forex etc)

- Sample processing (auto barcode generation and printing, label printing; sample assertion, sample source, sample/specimen condition, sample recollection)

- Gender and age specific automatic status update of normal, abnormal, critical and impossible values in entry of test results

- Out house tests handling (CLIA Number Speciation, Out House Sample Print with barcode, Out House Payments Auto Calculation)

- Handling incoming patients from outside lab/ hospitals and payment calculation

- Inventory control of Lab Reagents, Xray Films, Service Consumables

- Manual Test Result Entry / Interface with Uni and Bi-Directional Equipment , PACS, Third Party Imaging Solutions, HL7 Standards, , LOINC Codes and other observation codes supported

- Signoff Reports, Combining Reports

- Details on to whom reports were handed over and at what time, report printout counts tracking

- Alert SMS's on reports readiness to patients

- Automatic accounting of consumables

- Trend reports on lab results

- Control reports for lab accreditation (Conduction, Assertion, Prescription, Handover Turnaround Time Reports)

- Audit log


- Generation of Preauthorization forms

- Registering OP / IP patients with Insurance Company and TPA details

- Capturing Pre-authorization amount and the way pre-authorization is received

- Capturing Insurance card image in registration

- Edit / Change Insurance company details and Pre-auth approval amount from Billing/Registration

- Automatic Calculation of Rates for different Insurance Plans

- Facility to split the item amount into the Insurance and Patient co-pay

- Advance/Refund option for patient payments

- Sending the claims to TPA's as Single Claim / Claim Batch

- Facility to mail the clinical and supportive documents through mail directly from Patient Medical Records to TPA's

- Tracking the Payments / Dues from TPA's using Reports

- Facility to record receipts from insurance/corporate sponsors using Claim Batch number or individual claim number with TDS preferences

- Pending Age Reports analysis to increase efficiency.

- Audit Log

Insurance e-Claims

- XML based Claim Processing as per specs of HAAD (Health Authority of Abu Dhabi) and DHA (Dubai Health Authority)

- Coding of various services provided in hospital. Supports CTP codes, HCPCS codes, DRG codes, ICD codes, Dental codes, LOINC codes, etc.

- Remittance Upload and Reconciliation / Entering the Payments using Claim Batch number or individual claim number.


- Item master with item categories, Unit of measure, package type and package quantity

- Unlimited number of stores with facility to define whether store can sell or not and link to collection counters

- Indent Process by various users (Generation, Approval, Processing and Acceptance)

- Stock Transfer, Gate Pass Generation, Stock acceptance

- Stock Quantity Adjustment

- Min, Max, Danger, Reorder Level Handling for items in individual stores

- Reordering of items using various options

- Generation of P.O from Reordering / Direct P.O Generation

- P.O Approval

- Direct Stock Entry / Stock Entry using P.O (Handling Batch and Serial Number items) with Barcode generation facility / GRN Generation

- Facility of different types of units of measure for procurement and issue

- Facility for mark up of inventory items for internal usage and billing

- Pending prescriptions, Estimates for pharmacy bills

- Direct Pharmacy Sales (Hospital & Retail), Issue to Patient, and Issue to User

- Cash, Credit, Insurance and Add to Hospital Bill options

- Sales Return / User Return / Patient Return handling

- Supplier Returns – Replacement and Debit Note options

- Automatic accounting of consumables for Services / Tests

- Multiple Store concept, Sub Stores, Categorizing Items and Stores using Item category

- Asset Approval, Assets Maintenance, Asset Tracking, Automatic / Manual check point facility for Stock Checking.

- Stock Details and Purchase detail reports, Stock Movement, Stock Transfer, Sales/Issue Reports - Store Report Builder Facility

- Audit Log

Other Features

Maintenance and Contracts Management

- Preparing Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Custom Maintenance Schedule for Fixed Assets, Bio Medical Equipments, Electronic and Other Equipments

- Registering complaint against equipments and assets with various complaint types

- Assigning complaints and recording the status of complaints such as "Recorded, Assigned, Resolved and Closed"

- Tracking and Monitoring Complaints

- Providing dashboard facility to view the complaints against equipments / assets for store (can be sorted on Asset name, user, type, complaint, complaint status, store, raised and resolved date)

- Facility to store/create hospital Contracts and Licences with value, start and end date, renewal date, contract type

- Facility to upload scanned copy of contracts and licences

- Contract and License dashboard facility with sorting options on contract/licence type, renewal date, end date

- Reports available for Maintenance schedule, Asset/Equipment complaints, Maintenance due date reports and facility to create and save new reports using Report builder.

Linen and Laundry Management

- Facility of Procurement and Categorization of Linen with its movement type using Item category

- Issue Linens to Wards, Bed and patients

- Issue Linen for Laundry

- Facility to Capture Sterilization, Return and Discard of Linens

- Scheduling of linen and reports on linen movements

Patient Surveys

- Designing patient survey forms

- Online entry of patient survey forms using tablets or computer

- Batch upload of patient survey results

- Reports on surveys with multiple sorting and filtering options

- Trend reports on surveys. Department and doctor wise reports and trends

Alerts and Messaging System

- Alerts on Lab reports read

- Patient admission alerts to respective doctors and administration department

- Alert SMS to patient on their appointment status and appointment reminders

- Alert message on patient discharge to the billing department

- SMS reminders to consultants on their OP appointment

- Facility to send marketing messages via Email , SMS to patients on department, doctor wise

Diet and Nutrition

- Prescribing diet to In-patients for a defined date range with multiple diet types

- Providing diet chart to In patients along with diet charts

- Diet delivery dash board / schedule facility in Kitchen / canteen

- Update diet delivery time in diet dashboards

- Diet delivery reports against wards

Ambulance and Transport Management

- Maintaining emergency call register to record the phone calls for emergency requests with conditions

- Recording ambulance service / trips to the patients along with Ambulance number, start date-time, end date-time

- Reports on emergency call list, ambulatory service list with report builder facility

Out Patient
Radiology Lab Services
Other Features

- Doctor Scheduling (Week-wiseview or multiple doctors in one page)

- SMS reminder alerts to patients on appointments.Pre-registration of bulk corporate patients or insurance patients

- Registration

- Token number generation across individual Consultants

- Display outside doctor's chamber regarding patients in waiting.

- Printing of smart cards, bar codes, plastic cards with patient photos, Interface to Digital Signature Devices and Queue Management System

- Automatic requisitions for MRD case file and tracking of case files

- Outpatient packages handling and working out package margins

- Billing and Collection (Patient category based rate plans, multiple rate plans for corporate, insurance and government schemes, deposit collection, discounts based on authorization of various people, day book reports)

- Conversion of cash bills to credit bills, bills reopening by authorised people

- Patient payments collection using different payment modes (including bank transfers, coupons, foreign exchange, etc.)

- Entry of triage information by nurses

- Doctor Consultation (Doctor examination notes, ICD Coding, Prescription of Drugs, Investigations and Services)

- Follow up visit scheduling

- Uploading generic documents and external Investigation reports into patient EMR

- Review of old clinical history and trend reports of vitals and test values using EMR View

- Conversion of doctor prescriptions to orders

- Automatic issue of medicines in pharmacy based on doctor prescription

- Calculation of consulting doctor payments based on rules

- Reports for accreditation bodies like JCI, NABH, on the patient waiting times

- Out Patient Reports (Doctor Consultation, Scheduled Appointments, Patient Waiting Time, OP Statistic Reports)

- Audit log

- Scheduling or appointment booking for Services

- Registration from Scheduling

- Direct Registration for Lab and Radiology Services

- Ordering investigations and/or converting investigation prescriptions as order

- Billing and Collection (patient category based rate plans, multiple rate plans for corporate, insurance and government schemes, deposit collection, discounts based on authorization of various people)

- Patient Payments collection using different payment modes (including bank transfers, coupons, Forex etc)

- Sample processing (auto barcode generation and printing, label printing; sample assertion, sample source, sample/specimen condition, sample recollection)

- Gender and age specific automatic status update of normal, abnormal, critical and impossible values in entry of test results

- Out house tests handling (CLIA Number Speciation, Out House Sample Print with barcode, Out House Payments Auto Calculation)

- Handling incoming patients from outside lab/ hospitals and payment calculation

- Inventory control of Lab Reagents, Xray Films, Service Consumables

- Manual Test Result Entry / Interface with Uni and Bi-Directional Equipment , PACS, Third Party Imaging Solutions, HL7 Standards, , LOINC Codes and other observation codes supported

- Signoff Reports, Combining Reports

- Details on to whom reports were handed over and at what time, report printout counts tracking

- Alert SMS's on reports readiness to patients

- Automatic accounting of consumables

- Trend reports on lab results

- Control reports for lab accreditation (Conduction, Assertion, Prescription, Handover Turnaround Time Reports)

- Audit log

- Generation of Preauthorization forms

- Registering OP / IP patients with Insurance Company and TPA details

- Capturing Pre-authorization amount and the way pre-authorization is received

- Capturing Insurance card image in registration

- Edit / Change Insurance company details and Pre-auth approval amount from Billing/Registration

- Automatic Calculation of Rates for different Insurance Plans

- Facility to split the item amount into the Insurance and Patient co-pay

- Advance/Refund option for patient payments

- Sending the claims to TPA's as Single Claim / Claim Batch

- Facility to mail the clinical and supportive documents through mail directly from Patient Medical Records to TPA's

- Tracking the Payments / Dues from TPA's using Reports

- Facility to record receipts from insurance/corporate sponsors using Claim Batch number or individual claim number with TDS preferences

- Pending Age Reports analysis to increase efficiency.

- Audit Log

Insurance e-Claims

- XML based Claim Processing as per specs of HAAD (Health Authority of Abu Dhabi) and DHA (Dubai Health Authority)

- Coding of various services provided in hospital. Supports CTP codes, HCPCS codes, DRG codes, ICD codes, Dental codes, LOINC codes, etc.

- Remittance Upload and Reconciliation / Entering the Payments using Claim Batch number or individual claim number.

- Item master with item categories, Unit of measure, package type and package quantity

- Unlimited number of stores with facility to define whether store can sell or not and link to collection counters

- Indent Process by various users (Generation, Approval, Processing and Acceptance)

- Stock Transfer, Gate Pass Generation, Stock acceptance

- Stock Quantity Adjustment

- Min, Max, Danger, Reorder Level Handling for items in individual stores

- Reordering of items using various options

- Generation of P.O from Reordering / Direct P.O Generation

- P.O Approval

- Direct Stock Entry / Stock Entry using P.O (Handling Batch and Serial Number items) with Barcode generation facility / GRN Generation

- Facility of different types of units of measure for procurement and issue

- Facility for mark up of inventory items for internal usage and billing

- Pending prescriptions, Estimates for pharmacy bills

- Direct Pharmacy Sales (Hospital & Retail), Issue to Patient, and Issue to User

- Cash, Credit, Insurance and Add to Hospital Bill options

- Sales Return / User Return / Patient Return handling

- Supplier Returns – Replacement and Debit Note options

- Automatic accounting of consumables for Services / Tests

- Multiple Store concept, Sub Stores, Categorizing Items and Stores using Item category

- Asset Approval, Assets Maintenance, Asset Tracking, Automatic / Manual check point facility for Stock Checking.

- Stock Details and Purchase detail reports, Stock Movement, Stock Transfer, Sales/Issue Reports - Store Report Builder Facility

- Audit Log

Maintenance and Contracts Management

- Preparing Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Custom Maintenance Schedule for Fixed Assets, Bio Medical Equipments, Electronic and Other Equipments

- Registering complaint against equipments and assets with various complaint types

- Assigning complaints and recording the status of complaints such as "Recorded, Assigned, Resolved and Closed"

- Tracking and Monitoring Complaints

- Providing dashboard facility to view the complaints against equipments / assets for store (can be sorted on Asset name, user, type, complaint, complaint status, store, raised and resolved date)

- Facility to store/create hospital Contracts and Licences with value, start and end date, renewal date, contract type

- Facility to upload scanned copy of contracts and licences

- Contract and License dashboard facility with sorting options on contract/licence type, renewal date, end date

- Reports available for Maintenance schedule, Asset/Equipment complaints, Maintenance due date reports and facility to create and save new reports using Report builder.

Linen and Laundry Management

- Facility of Procurement and Categorization of Linen with its movement type using Item category

- Issue Linens to Wards, Bed and patients

- Issue Linen for Laundry

- Facility to Capture Sterilization, Return and Discard of Linens

- Scheduling of linen and reports on linen movements

Patient Surveys

- Designing patient survey forms

- Online entry of patient survey forms using tablets or computer

- Batch upload of patient survey results

- Reports on surveys with multiple sorting and filtering options

- Trend reports on surveys. Department and doctor wise reports and trends

Alerts and Messaging System

- Alerts on Lab reports read

- Patient admission alerts to respective doctors and administration department

- Alert SMS to patient on their appointment status and appointment reminders

- Alert message on patient discharge to the billing department

- SMS reminders to consultants on their OP appointment

- Facility to send marketing messages via Email , SMS to patients on department, doctor wise

Diet and Nutrition

- Prescribing diet to In-patients for a defined date range with multiple diet types

- Providing diet chart to In patients along with diet charts

- Diet delivery dash board / schedule facility in Kitchen / canteen

- Update diet delivery time in diet dashboards

- Diet delivery reports against wards

Ambulance and Transport Management

- Maintaining emergency call register to record the phone calls for emergency requests with conditions

- Recording ambulance service / trips to the patients along with Ambulance number, start date-time, end date-time

- Reports on emergency call list, ambulatory service list with report builder facility



Will Insta help me get more patients?

Insta helps you manage your healthcare establishment and it does not help directly drive new patients to your clinic.

Is my data safe?

No one has access to your system without your permission. All Practo servers are hosted within HIPAA compliant Virtual Private Servers inside Amazon Cloud with multiple protection layers, which means that your data is safe.

I have so much data to migrate. What do I do?

Our implementation team will help you through the entire data import so that you can get started immediately.

Will Practo customise the software for me?

Insta is already a by-product of various customisation requirements from over 1000 centres. Feature requests that are popular among our customers are often prioritised and added to the product on an ongoing basis.

How much time do I need to invest to get started?

Insta has one of the fastest implementation turnaround times in the industry. We will also help you with the implementation as well as getting-started process.

What about my staff? Will I have to teach them how to use Insta?

Our team is always ready to train your staff members so that they can use Insta with ease. Once the implementation is done, we provide training for your staff so that they are comfortable with using Insta.

What if I am stuck? Who will help me?

We have a dedicated central support team that will help you post the implementation and training program also. We even have a dedicated, friendly customer support team at your service over email, phone and live chat so that you always have someone to reach out to. Call us on 91-80-6565-5959 or email to

What about updates? Will I have to purchase the software again?

Once you subscribe to the software, you are automatically entitled to all updates for free.

Do I have to buy Insta to get my online profile?

No, profile is completely free.

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