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Jaipur Hospital

Jaipur Hospital

Jaipur Hospital

Mahaveer Nagar, Jaipur

Multi-Speciality Hospital


2 Doctors

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Jaipur Hospital, Jaipur

Jaipur Hospital is a leading integrated healthcare centre at Mahaveer Nagar, Jaipur. The hospital is known as one of the best centres for cosmetic & plastic surgery. Jaipur hospital aims at providing comprehensive and excellent medical care in most of the specialities at an affordable price. The vision behind the hospital was to mark its name as a global leader in the integrated healthcare delivery space by saving and enriching the lives through clinical excellence.

Establishment and Special Aspects

Jaipur Hospital was established in the year 1991 and over the years there have been several more branches. The hospital was the first multi-speciality corporate hospital of Rajasthan. The hospital is equipped with cutting edge technologies and advanced medical facilities. The clinical team of the hospital comprises of well trained professionals who are dedicated in delivering committed medical assistance.

How are Patients Treated

Jaipur Hospital has a pool of talented and professionally trained staff that treats the patients with compassion, respect and integrity. They work with patient centric attitude by providing unmatched care and value to the patients and their caregivers. The doctors and staff at Jaipur hospital go beyond the call of duty to assist the patients with best available medical help. They come up with innovative ideas for better treatment and take proper responsibility of their actions. The responsible attitude of the doctors and staff at the hospital helps the patients in developing their trust on the medical assistance provided.

Major Procedures Offered

The hospital provides a wide range of medical procedures including burns treatment, liposuction, hand surgery, joint disorder, maxillofacial trauma, wart removal, breast augmentation, breast implant, mole removal, and gynecomastia treatment, among others.

Other Facilities 

Jaipur Hospital, other than the basic medical help, offers several other facilities to the patients. These facilities include pharmacy store, laboratory, X- Ray facility, housekeeping, in-hospital dining, and waiting space. The wards of the hospital are quite ventilated and spacious.