Pinched nerve in C5-C6
I had acute pain in neck and left shoulder and numbness in left thumb. After MRI analysis doctor said I have pinched nerve in C5 C6 region. Medicine given: Gabantin Plus, Peglin NT, Paradox It's been 20 days since I started taking medicine. Still I have numbness in thumb and little stiffness and pain in upper hand. How much time it will take to cure? Also do I need to get my B12 and vita D checked?
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You have cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy which means that your neck bones are damaged and are compressing the nerve which pass from the spinal cord to your thumb. Avoid traveling in vehicles which don't have good shock absorbers. Avoid traveling in bumpy roads and try to wear a cervical collar which fits well when traveling. These are necessary to reduce further damage to your cervical spine. Medications will also help alleviate your symptoms. But the improvement will be very gradual. May take several months. Be patient and continue your medicines. Avoid activities like jumping and running which can further damage your spine. If your problems worsen however, surgical decompression of the nerve root may be required in the future.
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C5 c6 spinal cord injury C5 nerve root impingement C6 nerve root impingement symptoms
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