Knee Pain post workout
Hi doc, I started going to yoga class and dance fitness  since last 1 month, from 2 week on ward it started paining in knee, its paining while climbing steps, sitting and standing... It's been 3 weeks still it's paining. Is it normal?. Can I continue to do the workouts, or what I have to do to stop this pain
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1. Stop attending yoga and dance classes for now. 2. Visit an orthopedic surgeon for a clinical examination. 3. Ligament or cartilage injuries should be ruled out following the clinical evaluation. 4. Ice packs and analgesics can help manage discomfort until you see the orthopedic surgeon.
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STOP your workouts immediately Put a static knee brace for a while and do not squat/sit cross legged for a month
Next Steps
If symptoms still not subside then will need a proper examination to look for ligament injuries and eventually you may need a knee MRI
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As above
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You need clinical examination and evaluation of your condition. In the mean time, You may take paracetamol tab for pain.
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Maybe you are doing squats using the wrong technique or doing too much in too short a time for fitness's sake... Give a break or keep it low.. Pre-workout warm-ups and post-work-up icing help. It's looking like knee cap pain. Take Vitamin D supplements. Needs further information for coming to a proper diagnosis..
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It’s normal
Next Steps
Get examined once
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Its not normal Get mri knee
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