Can you please suggest a diet for hypokalemia?any supplements are available for that?thank you... . .
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Hi - hypokalemia causes because of potassium deficiency or falls level for kidney & G.I tract disorders. It also due to insufficient dietary intake also by food. so best way to undergo proper medical supervision. diet - potassium rich foods like banana, orange, apricot, spinach, greens,tofu, tomatoes, coconut water also good .mostly fruits juices are good.
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Supplements are available but better than supplements go for coconut water and coconut or sweetlime juice or sweetlime. Hypokalemia can be dangerous so take care
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Hi low levels of potassium can be due to various reasons. Pls provide the details of the same or discuss with your doctor about it if you do not know. The kind of foods may depend on the cause. But all fruits are generally good source of potassium and so is coconut water. Hope this guides you.
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Hypokalemia a condition in which serum potassium levels drop below required levels. First you need to rule out the cause of hypokalemia. The foods rich in potassium are prescribed according to the cause.
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Hypokalemia treatment
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