Food addiction, hunger
I am always hungry and craving for food. I snack a lot. I try to buy less and lesser food and veggies when doing shopping. But when I see there is only vegetables in the fridge, I order food to my home. It's like I can't ever stay away from fast food like pizza, burgers, etc. I have tried salads but they don't seem to fill me. As a result I am gaining weight and a huge proportion of my salary is being spent on food itself! I try hard to listen to my stomach but my mind makes me eat a lot more. How can I solve this problem? How do I make salads, fruits and nuts feel tasty for me? Thanks in advance!
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You need to concentrate and mediate. You think too much about your food which is ok to some extent I appreciate your concern about your health. Just some lifestyle modifications can help you a lot. Kindly consult me at or leave a mail at ghk.ritediet@gmail Please don't get into self dieting at this age. The results can be irreversible. I believe in healthy weight loss through healthy lifestyle and regular physical activity plan.
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Hello, you eat lot of vegetables especially fiber containing vegetables that satisfy satiety centre in the brain which is responsible for hunger . Don't go out with empty stomach always have full of stomach at home only so that you will not feel hungry outside . You have been addicted to taste of junk foods ,initially you will find it difficult but you need strong mental power to break tendency.
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How to beat food addiction
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