Hi i have an question??
what if a boy at age 12 do masturbation once a week and at age 13 twice a week and at age 15 twice a week and age 18 he do 4 to 5 time a week is this can causes any problem in future like infertility in male. i done my all blood test like kft, CBC, blood
sugar, etc.
Everything is normal i am doing masturbation once a day for 4 to 5 time in week. Is it serious i think i am addict to this act i don't feel good after doing this i feel guilty plz suggest me what i can do????
And also suggest me how to reduce this activity
I don't get any symptoms except guilt
1. no tiredness
2. no weekness
3. no memory loss in fact i am topper of my college
4. no pain in body
plz suggest me