Anxiety and procrastination
I am engineering student. Unable to concentrate or study or watch movie or comdey show or eat etc with calm mind.The lessons I am tring to study are tough and my mind just hate working on hard things.So I am procrastinating because I am anxoius. Procratination is giving instant gratification and guilt of wasting time. So I am procratinating more resulting more guilt ,more anxiety. I am not waking fresh even after sleeping 12 hours. What can I do to stop procrastination, anxiety and start study??
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Set short targets. Each day plan for a particular chapter for say 40 min. If unable to do it, move into next planned. Don't sit on the earlier task. Praise self for small gains. Try Pomuduro method or study for 30 min, set a timer. Take a break for 5 in which do quick exercises. Then twice more repeat this. Then take a longer break. Sit with a person who motivates. Identified roadblocks like mobile phone and remove.
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