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26 Circumcision Doctors in Pune

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Dr. Ashok Nandlal Lathi

General Surgeon
40 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Kundan Kharde

General Surgeon
18 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Mukund Manohar Joshi

General Surgeon
40 years experience overall
750 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Ashok Bhave

General Surgeon
52 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Anuradha S Dnyanmote

General Surgeon
29 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Pranav Jadhav

Pediatric Surgeon
32 years experience overall
850 Consultation fee at clinic

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Dr. Gowri Singh

General Surgeon
17 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Anupama Mane

General Surgeon
28 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Sachin Sharad Vaze

General Surgeon
20 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic
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Dr. Ashish Pardeshi

21 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic


Circumcisions Doctors In Pune

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Circumcision in Pune

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Circumcision and its advantages?

A surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin from the tip of the penis is called Circumcision. It helps to treat conditions of the penis like phimosis, balanitis, paraphimosis, etc.

Advantages of Circumcision are the following:

  1. Helps to prevent penile cancer, STD’s, like HIV, Gonorrhoea, UTI’s, etc.
  2. Infections of the foreskinTreat conditions like paraphimosis, phimosis, balanitis, etc.

What are the indications of Circumcision?

Indications of Circumcision are the following:

  1. Swelling of the penis
  2. Restricted blood flow to the end of the penis
  3. Unable to pull back the penile foreskin
  4. Swelling of Glans and penile foreskin

What can be the preparation for Circumcision?

  1. Before undergoing the surgery, the medical condition of the patient will be checked by the doctor.
  2. The patient should inform past and present medical and medications history to the doctor.
  3. A few lab tests or other examinations may be recommended by the doctor to patient.
  4. Discuss all the risks and complications along with the benefits of circumcision with the doctor.

How Circumcision is done?

Circumcision can be done by following the below steps and few of the steps can vary based on the surgery performed by the doctor:

  1. The genital area will be cleaned and sterile cloths will be used to prepare the patient for surgery.
  2. The genital area will be numbed using anesthetic creams or injections either spinal or under the skin.
  3. The tip of the penis will be exposed by separating the foreskin( usually done for young males as it would not be separated yet).
  4. The foreskin will be separated by cutting the skin from dorsal, ventral and side cuts and incisions and blood vessels will be closed with sutures and bandages.

What is the recovery care for Circumcision?

Few steps are recommended by the doctor for the recovery from Circumcision and they are:

  1. Pain and swelling may develop after surgery, use of pain killer medicines would be recommended by the doctor.
  2. Prefer wearing loose-fitting lower garments until the incisions heal.
  3. In case if circumcision is done to newborns or infants, necessary care should be provided by the caretaker/parent as instructed by the doctor.
  4. Proper hygiene must be maintained to avoid infections.

Which specialist can perform the Circumcision?

Based on the patient age (infant or adult) the surgery can be performed by a Pediatrician, Surgeon, Urologist, Obstetrician or A Family doctor who is experienced in performing a successful circumcision.

How much does Circumcision cost in Pune?

Factors that may affect the cost of Circumcision are:

  1. Surgeon fee
  2. Patient age
  3. Type of surgery planned to be performed.
  4. Type of hospital
  5. The medical condition of the patient
  6. Post-surgical complications that are involved
  7. Admission fee
  8. Any other lab tests or examination tests such as X-ray, ECG, etc

Minimum expenses for Circumcision in Pune starts from Rs. 5,000

Average amount to be paid for Circumcision in Pune is approximately Rs. 24,993

Maximum charges for Circumcision in Pune rise up to Rs.60,000

Is Circumcision a major surgery or minor surgery?

Circumcision is a minor surgery as it involves in surgical removal for the penile foreskin.

To what kind of people Circumcision is recommended?

Circumcision is recommended in the following individuals:

  1. Male newborns
  2. Adults and grown-ups with penile complications or conditions
  3. Religious beliefs

To what kind of people Circumcision is not recommended?

Circumcision is not recommended in the following individuals:

  1. Older men aged above 80 years
  2. Young or adult men with bleeding disorders, bacterial or fungal infections, etc.

What are the risks and complications associated with Circumcision?

Risks and complications of Circumcision are:

  1. Penile infections or pain or swelling
  2. Urethral damage and difficulty in urination
  3. Bleeding
  4. Improper healing or reattachment of the foreskin in rare cases

How long does it take to recover from Circumcision?

It may take around 7-10 days to recover from Circumcision.

What is the success rate of Circumcision?

The factors that affect the success rate of circumcision are:

  1. Experience of the surgeon
  2. Type of surgery performed
  3. Patient age
  4. Health condition of the patient

However, the success rate of Circumcision may be 60- 80%

Does Circumcision cause pain?

Circumcision is a painless procedure in general.

What are the long-term results of Circumcision?

  1. Improvement in erectile function
  2. Improved overall sexual satisfaction
  3. Relief from the difficulty during retracting the foreskin

What can be done if Circumcision fails?

If Circumcision fails, then the doctor may suggest undergoing revision surgery.

What are the other treatments apart from Circumcision?

Alternative treatment options apart from circumcision are the following:

  1. Manual stretching for tissue expansion
  2. Minor slit to widen the narrow foreskin
  3. Steroid creams to be applied topically
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