Types Of Liposuction for Fat Reduction


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Types Of Liposuction

Over the years, liposuction has undergone many refinements, so now, there are several options you can choose from, depending on your particular requirements and comfort level. The different forms of liposuctions are:

  • Tumescent Liposuction, is a procedure in which a large dose of liquid (comprising of lidocaine, a local anaesthetic, and epinephrine, which helps to shrink blood vessels), which is two or three times the amount of fat that is to be removed, is injected. The fluid helps to bloat up fat cells, which can then be easily burst and suctioned out. This technique is known to lessen post-operative bruising, swelling, and pain.
  • Wet Technique, in which a saline solution comprising of adrenaline and anaesthesia is injected, which breaks down the fat deposits. The fat deposits are then suctioned out. This technique is known for the less severe bleeding, bruising and the faster recovery time. 
  • Super-Wet Technique, is similar to the wet technique, with the only difference being that the amount of fluid that is injected is almost equal to the amount of fat to be removed. Just like an overfilled balloon is easy to burst, so also the fat cells then become easy to burst and get suctioned out. This causes less overall trauma to the tissues compared to the wet technique.
  • Power Assisted Liposuction is a procedure, which involves using a cannula or a tube with an oscillating tip. This makes it easier for the surgeon to precisely target and completely remove all the fat deposits.
  • Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction or Lipoplasty, which involves the application of high-frequency sound waves, through the cannula, to the areas being treated, which liquefies the fat cells. The doctor then uses the suction pump to suction out the fat.
  • Pulsed Ultrasonic Liposuction, is almost the same as Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction except that in this technique, the sound waves are pulsed or cycled on and off. This cycling of the sound waves minimizes the risk of excessive heat being generated, which may burn the skin.
  • Laser Assisted Lipolysis uses thermal energy to destroy the fat cells, which are then removed using the suction pump.

What is the time taken for, and recovery time from each liposuction procedure? 

To know the:

  •  time taken for each liposuction procedure 
  •  recovery time from each liposuction procedure 

please refer to the table below: 

What are the major side effects of each liposuction procedure? 

The major side effects of each of the liposuction procedures are pain and scarring. 

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1. Stephan P, Kenkel J. Updates and Advances in Liposuction. 2018. Available at: https://academic.oup.com/asj/article/30/1/83/199871. Accessed March 1, 2018.

2. Venkataram J. Tumescent liposuction: A review. 2018. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2840906/. Accessed March 1, 2018.

3. Rama B. Rao, M.D., Susan F. Ely, M.D., M.P.H.T.M., and Robert S. Hoffman, M.D. Deaths Related to Liposuction. 2018. Available at: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199905133401904. Accessed March 1, 2018.

4. RH G. Fatal outcomes from liposuction: census survey of cosmetic surgeons. - PubMed - NCBI. Ncbinlmnihgov. 2018. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10627013. Accessed March 1, 2018.

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Questions answered by trusted doctors

Verified User
Hi doctor, will drinking lemon juice (lemon with warm water and little salt) in empty stomach will reduce fat in our body?? Also drinking radish juice in a day time will reduce fat in body?? Pls advice..
Dr. Swathi S Aithal
Family and Community Medicine Specialist, Bangalore
Hello, They both surely are very effective in reducing the body weight but along with those you need to cut the carbohydrates from other side like reducing the amount of rice you are taking in, taking boiled veggies as salads and also taking fruits will help you reducing the carbohydrate intake. Avoid junk food and taking alcohol. Thank you
Verified User
Is it good to get fat reduced through surgery? What are the consequence? What are the usual charges for this surgery? What are other methods other than exercises and diet?
Dr. Chethan R S
General Physician, Bangalore
Hi....., fat reduction surgery will have lot of side effects..... Following these steps will help- Choose a low-carb diet.. Eat when hungry.. Eat real food.. Measure your progress wisely.. Be persistent Avoid artificial sweeteners.. Review any medications.. Stress less, sleep more.. Eat less dairy products and nuts.. Supplement vitamins and minerals.. Use intermittent fasting.. Exercise smart.. Achieve optimal ketosis.. Get your hormones checked.. Add green tea.. Consult Dietitian for diet chart...  
Verified User
Want to reduce my extra fat from belly, arms and legs. There is nothing specific problem. I just want to some fast way to reduce fat.
Dr. Sagar KS
General Physician, Bangalore
Hi, to reduce weight you can try these measures. 1)Dietary changes Reducing calories and practicing healthier eating habits are vital to overcoming obesity. Although you may lose weight quickly at first, slow and steady weight loss over the long term is considered the safest way to lose weight and the best way to keep it off permanently. Avoid drastic and unrealistic diet changes, such as crash diets, because they're unlikely to help you keep excess weight off for the long term. Dietary changes to treat obesity include: Cutting calories. The key to weight loss is reducing how many calories you take in. You can review your typical eating and drinking habits to see how many calories you normally consume and where you can cut back. Some foods — such as desserts, candies, fats and processed foods are high in energy density. This means that a small volume of that food has a large number of calories. In contrast, other foods, such as fruits and vegetables, have lower energy density. These foods provide a larger portion size with a fewer number of calories. By eating larger portions of foods that have fewer calories, you reduce hunger pangs, take in fewer calories and feel better about your meal, which contributes to how satisfied you feel overall. Making healthier choices. To make your overall diet healthier, eat more plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole-grain carbohydrates. Also emphasize lean sources of protein — such as beans, lentils and soy — and lean meats. If you like fish, try to include fish twice a week. Limit salt and added sugar. Stick with low-fat dairy products. Eat small amounts of fats, and make sure they come from heart-healthy sources, such as olive, canola and nut oils. Restricting certain foods. Certain diets limit the amount of a particular food group, such as high-carbohydrate or full-fat foods. Drinking sugar-sweetened beverages is a sure way to consume more calories than you intended, and limiting these drinks or eliminating them altogether is a good place to start cutting calories. Meal replacements. These plans suggest that you replace one or two meals with their products — such as low-calorie shakes or meal bars — and eat healthy snacks and a healthy, balanced third meal that's low in fat and calories. In the short term, this type of diet can help you lose weight. Keep in mind that these diets likely won't teach you how to change your overall lifestyle, though, so you may have to keep this up if you want to keep your weight off. Be wary of quick fixes. You may be tempted by fad diets that promise fast and easy weight loss. The reality, however, is that there are no magic foods or quick fixes. Fad diets may help in the short term, but the long-term results don't appear to be any better than other diets. Similarly, you may lose weight on a crash diet, but you're likely to regain it when you stop the diet. To lose weight — and keep it off — you have to adopt healthy-eating habits that you can maintain over time. 2)Exercise and activity Increased physical activity or exercise is an essential part of obesity treatment. Most people who are able to maintain their weight loss for more than a year get regular exercise, even simply walking. To boost your activity level: Exercise. People who are overweight or obese need to get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity physical activity to prevent further weight gain or to maintain the loss of a modest amount of weight. To achieve more-significant weight loss, you may need to exercise 300 minutes or more a week. You probably will need to gradually increase the amount you exercise as your endurance and fitness improve. Keep moving. Even though regular aerobic exercise is the most efficient way to burn calories and shed excess weight, any extra movement helps burn calories. Making simple changes throughout your day can add up to big benefits. Park farther from store entrances, rev up your household chores, garden, get up and move around periodically, and wear a pedometer to track how many steps you actually take over the course of a day. 3)Behavior changes A behavior modification program can help you make lifestyle changes and lose weight and keep it off. Steps to take include examining your current habits to find out what factors, stresses or situations may have contributed to your obesity. Behavior modification, sometimes called behavior therapy, can include: Counseling. Therapy or interventions with trained mental health or other professionals can help you address emotional and behavioral issues related to eating. Therapy can help you understand why you overeat and learn healthy ways to cope with anxiety. You can also learn how to monitor your diet and activity, understand eating triggers, and cope with food cravings. Avoid taking weight reducing medications.consult dietician for furthur care.
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Did you know?

Muscle building burns body fat

It is not possible to turn your body fat into muscle. Fat is fat and muscle is muscle—you can't magically turn one into the other by lifting weights or doing cardio. However, weight training is the easiest way to control the shape of your body. The more muscle you have, the more fat your body will burn.

Very low fat levels are not healthy

Fats are responsible for hormone production, joint lubrication, and many other important health and muscle-building factors. Having very low fat levels could compromise your health and your goals. Everyone's body and metabolism is unique, therefore it is crucial to know how many grams of healthy fat you need to eat for a balanced nutrition regimen.

Breasts are composed entirely of fats

Female breasts are composed almost entirely of fat which is one reason why, when dieting, they tend to reduce in size long before you lose the wobble elsewhere!

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