Q: What are the Visiting hours for IPD Patients?
A: 5 PM to 7 PM
Q: Does the Hospital have a Cafeteria?
A: Yes
Q: Visiting Guidelines for ICU?
A: Face Covered, Head Covered & Shoe covered (1 attendant allowed)
Q: What is the Admission Process?
A: Emergency or after consulting with the doctor and suggested RFA (Request for Admission)
Q: How can I get a discharge summary?
A: at the time of discharge, the patient can also login to his/her e-clinic and can raise a request for discharge summary
Q: Can a family member spend a night with the Patient? Will this be at an extra cost?
A: Yes, for 1 attendant is free
Q: Does this Hospital provide International Patient Services?
A: Yes
Q: What are the Diagnostic Imaging Services available at the Hospital?
A: Bone Mineral Densitometry (DEXA) Computerised Tomography Scan (CT Scan) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Magnetic Resonance Guided Focused Ultrasounds. Mammography Ultrasonography (USG) Image Guided Biopsies and Interventions Interventional Radiology X - Ray USG Guided Biopsies and Interventions Positron Emission Tomography Scan (PET-Scan)
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