What is min/ max sugar num. for pp & fas
I want to know what is the minimum and maximum number for pp and fasting test which is quite Ok to go life normally.
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Hello. It depends on whether you are Diabetic or not. For a person without Diabetes Fasting blood sugar Range is between 70-100 Above 100 to 125 is pre diabetic Postprandial sugars after atleast 2 hrs-  120-140 is normal 140-160 is elevated Anything above 200 is Diabetic Kindly contact Carna Health Centre Nagarbhavi Bangalore for a Consult
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Depends whether you are diabetic or non-diabetic In case you are non-diabetic 100 and 140 are the numbers which should not be crossed in case of fasting and pp respectively In case you are diabetic then a pp of 160-170 would do [if you are on OHAs]
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Depends on if you have diabetes or not If you have diabetes than your doctor decides your target goals for blood sugar If you asked Normal values fasting less than 100 Pp less than 140 for a non diabetic
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Generally good health person fasting less 100mg/dl , post prandial test between 140mg/dl to 160 mg/dl will be normal levels. HbA1C level must be less than 5.7 will be normal
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Below 110. FASTING..below 140 PP
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Fasting sugars should be Between 70-100 mg/dl and post prandial after 2 hours should be 70-140mg/dl.
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Get a diabetic panel Done (FBS, PPBs, HbA1c) to know your Glycemic control.
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High Fibre diet non sugar non carbohydrate diet.
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Fbs less than 126. Ppbs less than 180.
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